Any odd and unusual behavior coming from your tortoise will understandably worry and concern you, odd behavior includes your pet making chirping noises.
This article looks into why your tortoise is making chirping noises.
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Why is my tortoise making chirping noises?
We’re used to animals, like birds making chirping noises, but that’s about it. If a reptile, like your tortoise, for example, starts making these noises then you’d understandably be confused and concerned.
This article looks into why your tortoise is making chirping noises:
Obstruction in the airways:
One reason why your pet may suddenly be chirping may be because its airways are blocked.
The sounds that come from your pet when its airways are blocked may be a clicking sound or a squeaking sound. The sounds are made as the animal breathes and air moves past the obstruction.
Anything from foods to foreign objects may have become lodged in the animal’s airways.
What to do:
While it is advised that you take the animal to the vet to have the object removed, you can get it out at home on your own.
You can restrain your pet and then gently try to remove the object using tweezers. Do this gently to avoid causing stress or harm to your tortoise.
You can also choose to leave the animal alone, the animal’s breathing will get the object out eventually.
If the object is too far or difficult to reach then taking your tortoise to the vet is your next best bet.
Another reason why your tortoise may be making chirping sounds is as a result of mating.
The male tortoises will do this as their way of attracting female tortoises to them, they may also make clicking sounds to attract females.
These chirping sounds during mating are also a way to show their dominance to all those around, the females included.
What to do:
You don’t have to do anything in this case, this is quite normal behavior and will be seen as often as these animals mate.
As long as these animals don’t start to show signs of distress, illness, or a change in behavior along with these chirping sounds then the animals are fine
Respiratory infection:
One of the more common reasons why your pet tortoise may start acting oddly and make chirping sounds may be that the animal has a respiratory infection.
Tortoises make chirping noises in the early stages of a respiratory infection.
What to do:
Taking your pet to the vet is the recommended route to take in this case.
Taking your tortoise to the vet during these early stages of an infection is beneficial as you can get rid of the infection before it becomes severe.
Note: While one could give the animal medications to treat the symptoms of the respiratory infection, doing this without addressing and correcting the cause of their infection is not advised, in fact not only will this be futile, but it can also be dangerous.
So, for this reason, taking your pet to the vet to get the root cause of this condition addressed is a must.
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