Why Is My Turtle Always Begging For Food? (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Begging in turtles can be quite cute, the sight of the animal following you around while in the tank, making vocal noises, or nudging you can be seen as the animal begging for food

This article looks into why your pet turtle may be egging for food from you

Why is my turtle always begging for food?

Turtles, just as with all other animals, need proper nutrition and need to be fed on a feeding schedule, but, they will persistently beg for food even if they are being given enough food 

Here are the reasons why our turtle will always beg for food:


These animals will not only beg for food when they are hungry, they will also beg for food when they see you

Turtles have a habit of associating people with food, so, if you usually come into the room to feed your turtle then the animal may associate you coming into the room with you feeding it. 

This will cause the turtle to always beg for food when you come into the room.

What to do?

This is normal behavior and isn’t something to be worried about.

You can get the animal to disassociate you coming into the room with it getting food by leaving food out for your pet where it doesn’t see you, or leaving food in the tank and quickly leaving.

You can also feed your pet using forceps making sure that the animal does not see your face

Avoid overfeeding your pet. These animals are opportunistic feeders and will overeat if you give them an abundance of food, so don’t overfeed them. 

Dietary issues:

If there are imbalances in your pet’s diet then this can cause the animal to keep begging for food.

A lack of protein or calcium for example will cause the animal to feel unsatisfied and keep begging for food, even if it has already eaten.

What to do:

You may need to review your pet’s diet yourself, or, review the animal’s diet with a vet or a reptile expert to find any holes in the diet. 

Giving your pet a well-balanced diet that meets the animal’s nutritional needs and requirements will solve this problem.  

Feeding your pet a diet that is rich in calcium and protein will keep the animal’s stomach full and keep them healthy. You can give your pet more calcium by leaving a cuttlebone in the enclosure 

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Why Is My Turtle Always Begging For Food? (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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