Why Is My Turtle Biting Everything? (7 Reasons Why)

Biting can happen in all types of pets, your pet turtle included, and you may be worried why the animal is doing this.

This article looks into why your turtle is biting everything

Why is my turtle biting everything?

Biting may seem like a sign of aggression and for this reason, you may be worried that your pet turtle is starting to become aggressive but that isn’t always the case.

Here is why your turtle is biting everything:


One of the reasons why your pet turtle may be biting everything in sight may be that your pet is simply bored and is looking for something to do.

These animals explore with their mouths and the animal can get bored if it has no cuttlebone or toys to chew on.

Your pet may simply be occupying itself by biting everything in sight.

The animal feels threatened:

Another reason why your pet turtle may bite things, or bite your finger in particular, may be that it feels threatened.

Different turtles will react differently when they feel threatened. Some turtles will hide in their shells and others will bite when they feel threatened.

The more aggressive species of turtles, like snapping turtles and softshell turtles, are more prone to being aggressive and biting when threatened.

They are hungry:

Turtles in the wild will explore their environment to find food.

If the animal doesn’t realize that the food that you are leaving out for it is actually food, then the animal may bite everything in sight because it is hungry and is looking for food.

The animal is shedding:

Your turtle may not only bite you and bite things around you, it may bite itself as well. A turtle that bites itself is likely doing this because its skin is shedding.

Shedding happens when the older layer of a turtle’s skin falls off to reveal new rejuvenated skin. This process can be irritating or itchy so your pet may bite itself to relieve itself of the irritation.

Mite irritation:

Turtles, like many other pets, can get parasites. Mites are one type of parasite that can affect turtles and these can irritate your pet’s skin.

Your turtle will bite at its own skin once the mites start biting it. Your pet will continue to bite at its skin because of the discomfort and irritation caused by the mite bites.

Skin infection:

Another reason why your pet may be biting itself may be that the animal is suffering from a skin infection.

Skin infections may be caused by bacteria or fungi.

These infections may cause your pet’s skin to become red, swollen, bleed, and become irritated and your pet may bite itself as a result.

To protect its territory:

If one of your turtles is biting another then the biting turtle may be biting because it is trying to protect its territory.

These animals don’t seem very aggressive but they can get aggressive when defending their territory. If a new turtle enters another’s personal space, then the animal’s territory will be defended through biting.

A male will also protect his mate against other males who would want to mate with her.


If the biting is happening between a male and a female turtle then this behavior may simply be the male’s way of trying to mate with her.

The male will bite at the female’s legs as a way of stopping her from escaping as he tries to mate with her.

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Why Is My Turtle Biting Everything? (7 Reasons Why)
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