Turtles need to get some sort of exercise in on a regular basis, they generally aren’t lazy animals, so if you find that your pet turtle is acting very immobile and doesn’t seem to want to do anything then you’d understandably be concerned.
This article is a look into why your turtle seems to be so lazy
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Why is my turtle lazy?
If your turtle acts differently than other turtles, if your pet seems lazier than your others, then you may start to worry about the health and overall well-being of the animal.
Here are the reasons why your turtle may be lazy:
Type of turtle:
One reason why your turtle may seem so lazy may be that it’s the turtle’s nature. Some species of the turtle will simply be less active than others.
Short-neck turtles, for example, are avid baskers and generally prefer to lay on their basking platform for long periods of time.
What to do:
If you have a short-necked turtle that is very laid back, has always been laid back, and isn’t so active then you don’t have to worry, this is simply how the turtle generally operates.
As long as the animal is passing a normal stool, can swim, can dive, isn’t creating bubbles at its nose or mouth, is eating normally, and is generally acting normally then your pet should be fine.
Just keep an eye on your pet to make sure everything is fine with your pet
If however, you start to see worrying signs in your pet then you may need to take your pet to the vet.
Not used to exercise:
If your turtle is being lazy then this may mean that it isn’t regularly given the opportunity to exercise.
Turtles need to exercise to maintain their muscle mass and stamina, if your pet is usually left in the cage, if the case is too small, or, if the animal doesn’t get enough physical activity then your pet will get used to not moving around.
When you do finally let your pet out then it will be lazy and not want to move around
What to do:
You’d need to give the animal the opportunity to exercise. Start off by doing water therapy with your pet to strengthen its legs.
Water therapy involves holding your pet in a container full of water and letting your pet use its legs and arms to paddle.
The reptile should start paddling automatically. If your pet doesn’t automatically start paddling then you can poke at its feet to get the paddling to start.
Once your pet has developed some stamina you can let it roam free in your home or get a bigger enclosure where it can roam free.
Place food in front of the animal, and around the house, as an incentive to get the turtle to walk around and move around
It is sick:
Another reason why your pet may be acting lazy may be that the animal is sick. Listlessness and laziness are major symptoms of a sick turtle.
Other symptoms of sickness in your turtle include a change in poop, partly closed or puffy eyes, discharge from nose or mouth, difficulty breathing, excessive soaking or pacing, a loss of appetite, and weight loss
What to do:
These animals generally only start showing signs of being ill once their illness is quite far along. For this reason taking your pet to a herp vet as soon as you see signs of illness is recommended.
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