Turtles can sometimes exhibit very strange and odd behavior towards one another, and one strange and odd behavior that you may notice in your turtle is one turtle climbing on top of your other turtle
This article is a look into why one of your turtles is on top of your other turtle.
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Why is my turtle on top of my other turtle?
Understanding why your turtle does certain things can be helpful when raising these animals, and one thing that you may wonder about is why one of your turtles is on top of your other turtle
Here is why one turtle is on top of your other turtle
No room:
If your turtle’s basking platform is too small, and there isn’t enough room for the two of them to sit side by side then one turtle may climb onto the other turtle.
The turtle that climbs on top of the other turtle realizes that there is no space on the basking platform and the only solution for it is to climb on top of the other turtle
In addition, if the basking platform is large enough, but the animals aren’t getting enough light because there is shade on a side of the basking platform, then the turtles will stack on top of each other to get out of the shade and into the light rays.
What to do:
If this is happening with your turtle then you’d need to get a bigger basking platform, so that both of them can fit.
When you get this bigger basking platform make sure that the light from the basking lamp sines on both turtles while they’re on the platform
To get warmth:
Another reason why your turtles may be on top of each other is to get more warmth on themselves while basking.
Your turtles have likely noticed that they feel warmer the closer to the heat source they are, so they will climb on objects, and climb on each other, in order to feel warmer
What to do:
You may need to lower your heat lamp to get more warmth on the turtles while they are basking. The turtles should stop climbing on top of each other for more heat when they feel warm enough
To protect themselves:
Another reason why your turtles may be stacked on top of each other is to protect themselves. These animals look more intimidating when stacked on top of each other so they do this to ward off predators.
The animals generally do this to keep themselves safe from predators in the wild and they may do this to keep themselves safe from any predators while in captivity
What to do:
You may want to figure out what, in your home, your pet turtle is afraid of and then remove the threat, or at least, keep it out of your turtle’s eyesight.
If your turtle is sacred of new people in the home then introduce new people slowly and in small intervals. If your pet turtle is scared of your other pets, your cats and dogs, then keep your turtle in a room away from the cats and dogs
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