Your pets feces are a sign of the animals health, turtle faces included, and discovering that your pet turtles feces is white can be quite an alarming sight and will definitely spark concerns about the animals well being
This article explores why this may be happening with your pet
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Why is my turtle poop white?
The sight of white poop in your pet’s enclosure is quite unsettling.
This sight may be unsettling for you but it doesn’t necessarily signify that there is a dire problem with your little pet.
Here is why this may be happening in your turtle:
It’s urates:
If your pet turtle is producing a semi-solid material, along with the poop, that is slimy then what you are seeing may simply be urates.
Turles urinate and defecate at the same time and the urates are usually left as a deposit on the fecal matter,
The feces will be brown or greenish brown, and will be solid, and the urates will be a creamy, off-white in color, slimy, or pasty material
What to do:
This is normal and isn’t something to worry about, it’s actually very normal
As long as your pet isn’t showing signs of being ill, or being in distress, when passing this material then your pet is likely fine.
White white slimy stuff in your turtle’s poop is normal, hard white stuff in your pet’s poop indicates that the animal is dehydrated
The urates in your pet’s poop usually come out slimy but dehydration can suck the water out of the animal’s poop and urates and cause the urates to come out much drier than they are supposed to be
If your pet’s soaking bowl is always clean then the animal is likely not soaking in it and this may add to the dehydration. A soaking bowl that is being used will be a little dirty at least
What to do:
Dehydration in turtles is quite easy to remedy, one easy way that you can remedy this is by giving the animal long soaks in some warm water
Put your pet in a counter that will comfortably fit it and then pour warm water in, pour enough water that the animal can drink the water but not so much that this water covers the animal’s head.
Soak the animal for 30 minutes twice a day and allow the animal to drink the water it is soaking in.
If the turtle poops in the water then change the water and continue soaking
What will also help to rehydrate the turtle is giving the reptile more water-rich foods to eat, increasing the humidity in the enclosure, and giving the animal more water-filled water bowls to drink out of
Another reason why your pet’s feces may be white may be because they are sun-bleached. If you’ve left the feces out for a while then they may turn white
If the animal’s poop has initially been brown or white, and is now suddenly white then this may be the reason
What to do :
This is a normal progression for turtle poop but is a sign that you aren’t removing the poop often enough, remove the poop from your pet’s enclosure every day.
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