Why Is My Turtle’s Mouth Green? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

A change in the appearance of your pet turtle will cause you to worry, and your turtle’s mouth turning green is certainly something that you would worry about

This article is a look into why your turtle’s mouth is green

Why is my turtle’s mouth green?

Turtle mouths aren’t naturally green, they are naturally pink and clear, well, they are usually pink and clear, a change from pink and clear to green is a big change, and it’s a worrying change.

Here is why your turtle’s mouth may have turned green:


The reason why your turtle’s mouth may have changed to green is the same reason why we get milk mustaches after we drink milk, kind of.

When milk touches our top lip it stays there, when turtles dig into green food the food stains the animal’s mouth and this green stain is likely what you’re looking at as the green on your pet’s mouth.

The discoloration that you see comes from the chlorophyll from the animal’s green food staining the animal’s lip. This phenomenon can happen after your pet eats a bunch of spinach or romaine lettuce.

What to do:

This green mouth isn’t something you should be worried about, it simply means that your pet enjoyed its dinner, a bit too much.

This staining isn’t unhealthy and isn’t harmful to the animal so you can let your pet be, or, you can choose to remove the stain.

Remove the stain by soaking a cotton ball in some warm water and swiping it across the turtle’s mouth. If this doesn’t get the stain off then a few soaks should get the stain off

Don’t aggressively swipe at the stain, this can be painful for the animal. If gently wiping the stain doesn’t work then let the animal be.

You would only need to worry if there is an infection brewing in the area, if not then you can let the turtle be

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Why Is My Turtle’s Mouth Green? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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