Apple Cider Vinegar For Cockatiels (7 Uses Of This Vinegar)

Raising pet birds is a very fun and exciting task, this task may be fun and exciting, but pet birds are still living organisms that need to be fed the correct food in order to live a long healthy life.

If you’re feeding your cockatiel a number of natural products then you might have thought about giving apple cider vinegar to the bird, but can apple cider vinegar be used for cockatiels? This article looks into it

Apple cider vinegar for cockatiels

Apple cider vinegar is well-loved and widely used by humans, it can help humans lose weight, it can control blood sugar levels in human bodies, it can help with weight loss, it helps with digestion and it is great for general wellness.

This vinegar is also good for cockatiels 

In the bird’s body: 

Overall bird health 

Apple cider vinegar is widely used by humans because it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that the human body benefits from, these vitamins and minerals can also be used by the bird’s body.

Nutrients: Apple cider vinegar contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, beta carotene, sulphur, magnesium, chlorine, and potassium. All of these vitamins and minerals will boost the bird’s immune system 

Digestive tract: Apple cider vinegar is helpful in improving your bird’s digestive tract, it gets rid of bad bacteria in the bird’s digestive tract.

If you choose to use apple cider vinegar to get rid of the bad bacteria in your bird’s body make sure that you give the bird a probiotic to reset the bird’s gut flora.

You need to do this because the apple cider vinegar will get rid of not only the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria in the bird’s body as well.

Give the bird the probiotic a week after the apple cider vinegar treatment.

If your bird ingested contaminated food or water, and as a result caught an internal parasite, then you can use apple cider vinegar to help get rid of the internal parasite.

Respiratory infections: Because apple cider vinegar has both antibacterial and antibiotic properties it can help to minimize any respiratory infections that your bird may be suffering from.

The apple cider vinegar can help to get rid of your bird’s nasal discharge, watery eyes, and some other symptoms of respiratory infections.

Buying guide:

When buying apple cider vinegar for cockatiels, make sure that you buy the organic, unfiltered, raw, and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, this type will have “the mother” in it.

“The mother” consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria, “the mother” is the material that usually sinks to the bottom of the apple cider vinegar bottle

How to serve:

If you decide to feed apple cider vinegar to your cockatiel you need to make sure that you dilute it before you give it to your bird.

Dilution is necessary because this vinegar is too acidic if given as is. Apple cider vinegar contains around 5 to 6% acetic acid, this makes it extremely acidic for birds

The animal will develop digestive issues and ulcers if given undiluted apple cider vinegar.

Warning: Some birds will develop digestive issues even if the apple cider vinegar is watered down, you need to keep an eye on your bird to see how the bird reacts to being given the vinegar

On the bird’s body:   

To treat wounds and burns: Apple cider vinegar can help your bird heal wounds and burns. This vinegar speeds up healing and decreases the pain that your bird feels from wounds or burns.

To heal skin issues: If your pet cockatiel has dry, itchy, or infected skin, or has feather problems, then you can give the bird an apple cider vinegar bath, this will help to relieve any dryness or itchiness on the bird’s skin.

Apple cider vinegar meant for use on the bird’s body also needs to be watered down because it is so acidic. It will irritate or burn the bird’s skin if you apply it directly on the bird as is.

Also, make sure that you avoid the bird’s eyes when using this product as it can sting the bird’s eyes.


In the bird’s environment: 

To clean: Not only can apple cider vinegar be used to clean the inside of your bird, but, it can also be used to clean around your bird’s environment.

You can use this product to clean the bird’s silo, food dishes, cages, bird toys, and any surfaces that the bird can access. This product is a non-toxic but effective disinfectant 

To remove pesticides: Giving fresh fruits and vegetables to cockatiels is recommended, unfortunately, fruits and vegetables are usually covered in a layer of pesticides that can harm your bird.

You can remove these pesticides by washing your bird’s fruits and vegetables using apple cider vinegar, this will help get rid of the pesticides

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Apple Cider Vinegar For Cockatiels (7 Uses Of This Vinegar)
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