Baby Squirrel Twitching In Sleep (Why Squirrels Do This)

Baby squirrels are cutest when they’re sleeping, they are peaceful, still, and relaxed. Well, they usually are, these little animals can sometimes twitch in their sleep. So, is this something to be worried about? This article looks into it. 

Baby squirrel twitching in sleep:

Baby squirrels aren’t the only animals that twitch in their sleep, other animals, like cats and dogs, do this as well.

The idea is that dogs twitch in their sleep because their brains send signals to the animal’s muscles that relax them. This keeps the dogs from making movements like running and jumping, while sleeping, as they chase squirrels in their dreams.

Another idea is that baby mammals twitch in their sleep because the twitching helps with the development of the baby’s nervous system, this is a way of programming the animal’s muscles.

Twitching is the brain’s way of understanding the muscles, understanding which muscles are which, and understanding how the muscles work together, this helps the brain use these muscles effectively and create complex movements. 

Not only do baby squirrels twitch when they’re sleeping, they wiggle, flex, grumble, and call out while they are sleeping too.

This is nothing to worry about and many squirrels will do this while they’re sleeping, it is quite normal. In fact, almost every baby mammal will twitch in its sleep, 

How to stop baby squirrels from twitching in their sleep: 

You can’t stop baby squirrels from twitching in their sleep, and there is no reason to. This phenomenon is quite normal and healthy, it is even helpful in the case of the brain learning what, and how, the baby squirrel’s muscles work. 

Why does my baby squirrel twitch? (while awake)

Squirrels that twitch while they’re awake do this because they have anxiety, these animals know that they are towards the bottom of the food chain and thus, are always on alert.

Squirrels are sensitive to their environment and they are very alert to what’s going on around them.

They will move around a lot to keep themselves away from predators and to throw predators off. This type of movement works well to confuse observers, it keeps squirrels safe.


In conclusion, if your baby squirrel is twitching in its sleep don’t be worried or concerned, this is totally normal behavior, many mammal babies twitch in their sleep, even human babies do this.

Whether this is the brain’s way of understanding the muscles, or the baby dreaming of running and jumping, it is perfectly normal.


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Baby Squirrel Twitching In Sleep (Why Squirrels Do This)
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