Bird bleeding from its beak, what to do

Accidents happen more often than we would like them to and not just to us humans but to birds and other pets as well. Many accidents can cause your bird to start bleeding from its beak and this can be a very uncomfortable experience for this tiny animal. As a pet owner, you need to know what to do if this happens so your bird doesn’t suffer from not only a broken beak but also from an infection afterwards.

If your bird is bleeding from its beak then you can help calm the bleeding by covering the beak with a clean cloth for a few minutes. The blood vessels in the beak will cause it to bleed if it’s injured. Be sure to take it to the vet to have it checked out as well.

Bird bleeding from its beak, what to do

A bird bleeding from its beak is a sure sign of distress for the bird as it could be fatally injured. The bird’s beak contains blood vessels, veins and nerves making it very painful if it is injured. If the injury is superficial, you can try to stop the bleeding by covering it with a cloth for a few minutes. You could also let it dry out and self-heal. The most recommend action is to take the bird to your local vet for a check-up and expert advice on how to handle the injury.

What do birds use their beaks for?

Birds use their beaks for feeding, a bird cannot feed with an injured beak. This is why an injured beak will lead to starvation and death. A bird’s beak can also be used for protection from other birds or predators. Other uses for a bird’s beak include foraging, climbing, nest building, cleaning its feathers, courtship, navigation, and communication.


How long will it take the beak to heal?

Depending on the type and depth of injury, the beak may take five to ten weeks to heal properly. Since bird beaks never stop growing, the bird may eventually recover the use of its beak.

In cases where the beak is significantly injured, it may need an orthopaedic beak so it can eat, climb or forage. Orthopaedic beaks are mostly suitable for large birds. 

If the vet concludes that the bird’s beak is beyond healing and is severely damaged, it may be necessary for the bird to be put down to avoid a painful and food-starved existence. 

How do birds heal themselves?

A bird’s beak is made up of the same material that human nails are. Usually, a human nail injury will heal itself over time without needing medical attention. The same will happen if the beak injury is not so severe.

Just like a nail, an injury close to the tip of the beak will likely to heal out completely. Injuries closer to the bird’s skull are more likely to be life-threatening. A vet will recommend the best course to take for these types of beak injuries. 

How long does it take for a bird to bleed out?

A bird does not have a lot of blood and will bleed out in a few minutes. If a bird has an injury that results in a lot of blood loss, it needs to be rushed to the vet to save its life. Give the bird first aid if it has less severe injuries and use a clean cloth to stop the bleeding. 


In conclusion, if your pet bird is bleeding from its beak then you can help relieve the bleeding by applying a clean cloth to the area for a few minutes. To be safe you also need to make sure that you take your bird to the vet afterwards.

Birds use their breaks to feed so healing the injured beak is a must if you want to avoid it staving. You can expect the bird to heal within 5 to 10 weeks. If the beak does not get attention and it does not heal itself then it can bleed out in a few minutes.

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Bird bleeding from its beak, what to do
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