The well-being of your budgie, if you’re a budgie owner, is usually one of your top priorities. So, if the bird is starting to act strange you’d be right to worry.
This article is a look into why your budgie is going crazy in the cage
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Budgie going crazy in cage:
Budgies are generally very calm and relaxed birds, they aren’t known to make too much noise or to act crazy, so, if your budgie does start to act crazy you’d be right to be worried, this is why this happens:
Hormonal changes:
One of the reasons why your bird may be acting crazy in its cage may be because it is going through hormonal changes which affect the bird’s behavior.
Some of the behavioral changes that hormonal changes bring can be good, but the birds can develop negative traits like being stressed or sudden aggression like hissing, at you when you try to get close to it or trying to put your hand in the cage, as well.
These changes are caused by the rising estrogen or testosterone levels in your bird.
What to do:
The hormonal changes that your budgies experience are normal and are nothing to worry about.
You may however want to leave the bird alone during this time until it calms down and its personality goes back to normal.
Birds can be kept in cages but they still need some time out of their cages to fly and to use up all the energy that they have from food.
If your bird is left in the cage without being taken out then the bird will get bored and may try to use this energy by frantically flapping its wings, becoming hyperactive, and squawking as a way of getting your attention and getting you to let it out
What to do:
Letting your bird out of its cage for a time on a daily basis will allow the bird to get rid of all this pent-up energy and will allow the bird to get some exercise and stimulation in as well.
You can let the bird out for about an hour or two a day. You may also want to replace the bird’s toys as well as the bird may be bored of them.
Night fright:
If your bird seems to be acting crazy at night then your bird may be suffering from night fright.
This happens to budgies when something scares them in the middle of the night and they start frantically flying around their cage and making screeching or squeaking noises.
These birds are easily spooked, they can’t see well at night but they may hear something that startles them and this may be causing the night frights.
What to do:
The bird flying around frantically and squawking is not only disturbing but the bird can also injure itself while flying around in the cage.
You can help the birds see at night by turning the lights on in the room that their cage is in and showing them that there is no threat in the area.
You can alternatively leave low lights or night lights on in the room so the birds can see what’s in their environment.
If there is a threat then you can remove the threat from near the bird.
Budgies are small animals so a variety of things can be threats to them including predator birds, your domestic pets, or even humans that it doesn’t know.
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