Can A Squirrel Survive With A Broken Leg? (When The Break Is Fatal + When It’s Not + FAQ’s) 

A broken leg can make life difficult for any person. Animals need fully functioning bodies as well, but what happens if a squirrel has a broken leg?

Can a squirrel survive with a broken leg? This article looks into it 

Can a squirrel survive with a broken leg?

Whether a squirrel can survive with a broken leg depends on how severe the break is and whether the squirrel can still do its everyday activities, like running, eating, and climbing, with the broken leg.

If the broken leg stops the squirrel from doing everyday activities, then the squirrel likely won’t survive 

Squirrel legs and survival:

Squirrels rely on their legs to find food and run away from predators. If a squirrel cannot effectively find food with its broken leg then it will starve and die.

If the animal cannot run away from predators, as well as it previously could, then it will quickly be caught by predators, will be killed, and will be eaten. In fact, a squirrel with a broken leg will attract predators.

Predators prefer weak and sick prey, this type of prey is easy prey for predators to kill and eat. If a predator sees that the squirrel is having a hard time walking and has a broken leg then it will surely attack.

A minor break: 

If the squirrel’s leg is broken, but the animal is still able to use the leg, and the break is minor, then the animal will likely survive and the leg will heal.

The bone will heal but it won’t go back to how it previously was. Unfortunately, this may still make the squirrel vulnerable to some extent.

A major break: 

If the break is major, like an open fracture (the bone is sticking out of the leg), then the squirrel is unlikely to survive. In this case, the broken leg won’t be able to heal itself.

Bacteria can easily get into the squirrel’s body through this wound and cause an infection. The infection will quickly spread throughout the animal’s body and will quickly kill the animal.

The only way a squirrel with an open fracture will survive is if humans intervene and offer the animal treatment

How to care for a squirrel with a broken leg:

The best thing you can do for a squirrel with a broken leg is to take it to a vet or to a wildlife rehabilitation center. The professionals at these centers will be able to examine the break and help the squirrel heal if possible. 

If you cannot get the squirrel to a vet or to a wildlife rehabilitation center immediately, then you may have to take care of the animal yourself.

Do this by keeping the squirrel in a small box, making sure that the box is well padded, and making sure that there is nowhere for the squirrel to climb and thus injure itself even more.

Leave the box somewhere dark and quiet. 

Keeping the squirrel’s environment warm will also help with the healing process. Do this by putting a heating pad under half of the container and setting it to low.

Keeping only half of the container on the heating pad will allow the animal to move to the other side of the container if it feels too hot

Place a sock filled with rice inside the container and let the squirrel snuggle up to it, this will also help to keep the animal warm.

Make sure the rice-filled sock is warm enough, do this by heating the rice-filled sock in the microwave for about 20-30 seconds 

You can relieve the squirrel’s pain by giving it Metacam, this medication is usually given to dogs and cats to relieve pain. You’d need a prescription to be able to buy it.

Alternatively, if your neighbors have dogs or cats, you can ask them for the medication.

You can also offer the squirrel added calcium, this will be helpful in helping to heal the squirrel’s broken leg. Also, make sure that your squirrel drinks and eats well, this will also help with the healing process. 


How long does it take for a squirrel’s leg to heal?

How long a squirrel’s leg will take to heal depends on how major the break at the leg is.

If the beak is not too severe then the leg will take around a week to heal, if the break is more serious then expect the leg to heal in several weeks.

How to comfort a squirrel?

You can comfort a squirrel by warming it up, as a start.

Do this by filling a plastic bottle with hot water, wrapping the bottle in a towel, putting it in a box, and leaving the squirrel in the box.

Create a nest for the squirrel that feels safe. The nest should be made up of warm soft snag-free materials like fleece. Leave the animal in a quiet room with dimmed light

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Can A Squirrel Survive With A Broken Leg? (When The Break Is Fatal + When It’s Not + FAQ’s) 
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