Squirrel Dragging Its Back Legs (Why This Happens + What To Do)

Squirrels are active animals, they don’t stay still for long periods of time, they can usually be seen scurrying from place to place looking for food, or playing with other squirrels.

If you see a squirrel dragging its back legs, you’d be right to be worried. So why does this happen? This article looks into it 

Squirrel dragging its back legs:

Animals behaving abnormally in the wild can get them killed, predators are always on the lookout for injured and sick animals, these animals are less effort to hunt and kill because they are weak.

Squirrels know this and try to act normal even if they’re injured or sick

If a squirrel is dragging its back legs then this usually means that it has no other choice than to do so. A squirrel dragging its back legs is likely paralyzed from the waist down.

Paralyzed squirrels:

Squirrels becoming paralyzed is not uncommon, squirrels can become paralyzed after falling out of trees, falling from telephone wires, being hit by cars or, because they have internal issues like hindlimb paralysis.

Hindlimb paralysis develops when there is a problem with the animal’s spinal column.

If the paralysis developed because the squirrel fell out of a tree, and the animal injured its pelvis, or its spine, then this can sometimes be remedied.

If the squirrel is paralyzed because it has an internal issue, then this sometimes can’t be remedied. 

What to do: 

Taking the animal to the vet:

A paralyzed squirrel will likely not be able to survive in the wild. It won’t be able to outrun predators and will have a harder time finding food and water.

One option is to take the animal to a wildlife rehabilitation center, or to a vet.

If you send the animal to a vet, or to a rehabilitation center, the professionals will firstly assess the animal to determine whether the paralysis is permanent or temporary and then treat it if possible or euthanize it if needed.

They will check the animal’s tail to see if it reacts to stimulation, and give the animal pain medications as well as anti-inflammatory medications that help the squirrel become more calm and stable.

Sometimes, the issue that caused the paralysis can be reversed, but sometimes it can’t. If there is no improvement after a couple of weeks then the squirrel will likely be euthanized

The paralyzation can be reversed if the squirrel fell out of a tree and suffered a broken pelvis or suffered a spinal cord injury. If the injury is not severe, then the squirrel will recover but this will take some time.

Medications like gabapentin, Metacam, and prednisone are usually given to squirrels with spinal injuries.

If the animal’s spine is broken, not just injured, then the chances of the animal recovering are lower.

In rare cases, if the animal has a good demeanor but is permanently paralyzed, then it will be taken as an educational animal 

Taking the animal in:

The only way that a permanently paralyzed squirrel will have a chance of survival, without being taken as an educational animal, is if you take the animal into your care and take care of it.

However, it is not recommended that you take the animal as a pet, it is, and always will be, a wild animal.

It sees you as a predator and will act accordingly. It will bite and it will bite hard, it will also dig into your skin very deeply if it scratches you.

If the animal is paralyzed from the waist down then you’ll have the added job of having to bathe it regularly since it likely won’t have any real bladder control.

Regardless of how well-meaning you are, the animal is a wild animal and does not make for a good pet. In fact, it is illegal to keep squirrels as pets in many states in the United States.

In some states, you can only keep a squirrel if you are nursing it back to health.

The most humane thing to do with a squirrel in this condition is to humanely euthanize it. 

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Squirrel Dragging Its Back Legs (Why This Happens + What To Do)
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