Can Baby Birds Eat Bread? 3 Risks Of Giving Baby Birds Bread

Bread is a staple in many human diets. This cheap accessible food has been a part of the human diet for thirty thousand years and isn’t showing signs of slowing down.

Bread is a fluffy food that delivers a number of nutrients and dietary fiber to the human body. In fact, bread can even be fed to birds. But how about feeding bread to baby birds? This article explores the question of ‘Can baby birds eat bread’

Baby birds cannot eat bread. Baby birds cannot digest bread, in addition, bread does not offer the baby bird many nutrients. Feedings baby birds bread will cause them to become malnourished.

Can baby birds eat bread? Risks of giving baby birds bread

Bread is sometimes given to birds by humans and this isn’t an issue if offered in moderation.

All types of bread can be digested by birds but this food shouldn’t form a large part of an adult birds’ diet. Baby birds cannot have bread even though adults can 

This is why you shouldn’t give baby birds bread:

Baby bird digestion:

A baby bird’s body can’t break down food, this is why baby birds are given crop milk by parents. Crop milk is a secretion made by the crop of parent birds. This liquid contains all the vitamins and minerals that baby birds need, also, crop milk is easily digestible.

Baby birds won’t be able to digest bread so giving them this food will be pointless. 

Nutrients that bread offers vs nutrients that baby birds need:

In addition, even if the baby bird was able to digest foods, bread would be a poor choice of food to give the animal, giving baby birds bread can even be dangerous.

Bread does not offer the necessary protein and fat that a baby bird needs in its diet. This food simply fills the bird up without offering these needed nutrients.

Feeding a baby bird, or an adult bird for that matter, bread on a regular basis will cause the bird to become malnourished. 

Bread can attract pests:

On top of that, bread left out for baby birds can attract pests like rats or insects. Rats are opportunistic feeders and if given the chance, and the right circumstances, a rat would eat a baby bird. Baby birds are easy and slow victims of rats.

A malnourished baby bird can also be prey for other animals that will take advantage of their feeble and weak state. 

Can bread kill baby birds?

Bread in itself does not kill baby birds, but the effects of giving a baby bird bread as a major part of its diet can.

This food is not toxic to baby birds, but bread can cause them to become malnourished, suffer from serious deficiencies, and even starve. If left out, bread can attract a variety of pests which can attack the baby bird or even give the baby animal an illness.

In addition, if a baby bird eats a piece of bread that is too stale and large, it can choke and die 

What can I feed a wild baby bird?

A baby birds diet can be very demanding. In the wild, a baby bird will eat crop milk then move onto a diet of insects and seeds.

If you find an abandoned baby bird the first thing you should do is get it to an appropriate bird rescue organization or a licensed bird rehabber. 

Only feed the bird if you are it’s only hope. In this case, you can feed the bird moistened dog or cat kibble, hard-boiled eggs, moist dog food, moistened dog biscuits or raw liver with no seasoning.

Foods that you should avoid feeding baby birds include whole birdseed, worms, kitchen scraps, milk or pet bird food 

Do baby birds drink water?

Baby birds do not drink water, these animals get all the water they need from the crop milk given by their parents.

If you as a human give the bird water, or any other liquid for that matter, the water can go down their trachea (their windpipe) which is used by the bird to breathe, instead of going down their esophagus.

If this happens the bird can drown in the water or develop pneumonia and die.


In conclusion, no, baby birds cannot eat bread.

Giving birds bread is a bad idea because these young animals cannot digest bread, in addition, bread does not offer the baby many nutrients in the first place. Giving bread to baby birds will cause them to become malnourished and die.

Superior foods to give the bird include raw liver with no seasonings, moistened dog or cat kibble, hard-boiled eggs, moistened dog biscuits or moist dog food. Do not feed the animal water or any other liquid  

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Can Baby Birds Eat Bread? 3 Risks Of Giving Baby Birds Bread
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