Can birds eat almond butter?

Nuts are a great long-lasting bird food that offers these tiny creates high amounts of good fats as well as vitamins and minerals. They are a long lasting food and are easy to store. One long lasting and easy to store food that can be made from almonds is almond butter. So, can birds eat almond butter? This article looks into it

Birds can and do eat almonds when offered. The almond is a favourite food of birds so naturally, they will enjoy this food in a soft and easier to eat form. The substance isn’t too thick for the bird and won’t choke it. In fact, birds will go crazy over this nutty treat. 

Can birds eat almond butter?

Almond nuts are some of the favourite foods of birds. And you know what’s even tastier to these creatures? Almond butter. Birds love this snack and go crazy over it. The fear most people have about feeding almond butter to birds is that the substance is too thick and might choke the bird. But that never happens.

Folks who regularly feed wild birds almond butter have observed that each takes a very small amount of the substance and flies to a nearby branch. They then place the butter they collected in between pieces of bark and pinch tiny bits of it with their beaks.

When feeding birds almond butter, you only have to make sure it is unsalted and unsweetened.

Are almonds toxic to birds?

Almonds are completely healthy for birds as long as they are not salted. If you have a pet bird or backyard birds, you can feed them this snack. Almonds contain lots of fibre, protein, magnesium, vitamin e, and healthy fats.

Feeding birds almonds can lower their blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also helps to reduce hunger in these creatures. So if you had doubts about feeding birds almonds, know that it is good and safe for them.

How do you feed almond butter to birds?

If you’ve decided to feed almond butter to hungry birds in your backyard, here’s how to go about it:

You can hang small jars containing the butter as basic feeders, or you can smear the substance on a tree, post, or fence. Also, you can choose to serve the butter alone or mix it with birdseed. However, we’d recommend that you do the latter, as that would make it more nutritious for the birds.

When giving birds this snack, it is important to remember that almond butter quickly goes stale and runny under sunlight. So it’s always best to serve this treat in shady areas where there’s no direct sunlight.

And contrary to popular belief, birds do not choke on almond butter.

What should you not feed birds?

Birds can eat almost anything humans eat. But as a caring bird guardian, you shouldn’t feed birds everything, as some foods may be harmful to them. The following are bad for birds:

Salted items: if you care for birds, you shouldn’t feed them anything salty or seasoned. Such stuff is bad for them and might even kill them.

Milk and dairy products: birds are highly lactose intolerant – meaning they can’t ingest milk in large quantities.

Chocolate: chocolates are as harmful to birds as they are to other animals. The theobromine contained in chocolate can make birds fall sick or even kill them.

Avocado: this fruit contains a substance that is very harmful to birds. So it’s best not to feed them the fruit.

Apple seeds: it’s fine to feed birds apple, but you must remove all the seeds. Apple seeds contain cyanide – a highly toxic compound for birds.

Can you overfeed garden birds?

Sometimes people who feed garden birds make the mistake of overfeeding these creatures – this is bad as it can lead to several health problems for the bird.

Birds usually don’t know when to stop eating, so it’s up to you to know when to stop giving. When feeding birds, you should serve them only tiny amounts of the food or treat. This way, the bird eats only as much as it needs and doesn’t overfeed.


In conclusion, birds enjoy and can eat almond butter. This food is easier to eat than regular almonds and birds go crazy over it. The butter is packed with various nutrients and minerals which will benefit the bird.

If you are looking to feed bird’s almonds or almond butter make sure that it is not salted. You can mix this butter with birdseed for added health benefits. Just don’t feed them unhealthy human foods and don’t overfeed them.

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Can birds eat almond butter?
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