Do birds have emotions?

We as humans experience a variety of emotions. Emotions involve feeling intense mental experiences and it is said that we are not the only species of animals that feel these feelings. It is believed that animals experience these emotions as well, to some extent. Some say that animals can feel such deep emotions that it can manifest in the form of depression. But not all animals are like this. So, do birds have emotions?

It has been observed that birds do seem to feel things deeply and thus do feel emotions similar to, but not exactly, to how humans do. Birds seem to experience grief to an extent similar to how human do. They express their emotional intelligence by grieving after a death, and by being excited at appropriate times.

Do birds have emotions?

There’s no scientific evidence that shows that birds have feelings and emotions. But those who observe birds say they are certain that the creatures feel things deeply – much like humans. For example, birds like penguins, jays, pigeons mourn the loss of their babies or mates.

In the case of penguins, when a mother bird grieves over her baby’s death, members of the community come around to comfort the grieving mother. Some birds, mourning over the loss of their mate or baby, even go as far as starving themselves or taking their own life.

So, even though science doesn’t say much to affirm a birds’ emotional intelligence, that’s not to say these creatures are devoid of feelings.

Can birds sense emotions in humans?

Just as there’s no scientific evidence that birds have emotions, there also no scientific proof that birds can sense emotions in humans. However, many pet bird owners say that birds can tell when their human caregiver is sad, anxious, afraid, happy, or angry – according to them, birds are more likely to exhibit behaviours that correspond with how their owners feel on the inside. In other words, a bird will be more aggressive and vocal if its human caregiver is angry and agitated.

Do birds love their owners?

Whether or not a pet bird loves its owner depends on the bird species. Some species enjoy the solitary life and don’t bond with their owners. Other birds that enjoy the company of people, like parrots and starlings, are great at bonding with their owners. If true love exists between birds and humans, it would be safe to say that these creatures totally love their owners.

Some signs that show your pet bird has affection for you include:

  • She cuddles you
  • She perches on different parts of your body
  • She feeds from your hands
  • She sleeps while perched on you
  • She flaps her wings without flying
  • She regurgitates her food for you (as weird as that it is)

Do birds miss their owners?

Birds may not look like they miss their owners, but they do, especially if a bond existed between both parties. Birds that bond with their owners sometimes get depressed when they can’t find their owner’s familiar face. It usually takes these birds a while to get used to their new human caregivers.

Do birds get jealous?

Yes, birds can get jealous and territorial. If you have two small pet birds in a home, there’s a likelihood that they might get jealous of one another. If you sense jealousy between your two pet birds, it’s best not to house them in the same cage. Watch how they react to each other when outside their cages. If there’s an improvement, you can then place them in the same enclosure.

Birds can also get jealous of a family member or someone in your life. The way to fix this problem is to delegate specific tasks of caring for the bird to this individual. You can also offer the bird treats when this person is around. With time, the bird will become receptive of the person.


In conclusion, birds do have emotions similar but not exactly to the ones that humans do. They even feel things like grief and experience excitement when appropriate. Some pet owners even say that birds can sense emotions in them. Some birds can even show that they love you as a pet owner. They also show that they miss you and can show signs of jealousy and being territorial.

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Do birds have emotions?
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