Can birds eat limes?

If you know your produce you’ll know that lemons and limes are two different fruits. Yes, they do share some similarities, but they are both fruits in their own right. The two are genetically different yet still closely related. Limes are acidic citrus fruits, they are green in colour, different from lemons which are a bright yellow, and smaller and rounded than lemons. Limes are also more bitter than lemons. So if you’re feeding your birds lemons will they notice if you start feeding them limes? This article answers the question of ‘can birds eat limes’ 

Yes, birds can eat limes, that being said, their lime intake should be monitored and limited. The acid in limes can be beneficial to the bird, but too much of it can have a negative effect on their health. When feeding birds limes, cut a small piece of the fruit to give to your birds and only offer it 2-3 times a week at most 

Can birds eat limes?

Limes are well regarded for their high levels of vitamin C. This is expected from citrus fruits, but limes also contain calories, iron, protein, fibre, calcium, carbs, vitamin B6, thiamine and potassium. These small fruits also contain small amounts of magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus, folate and niacin. They are also a great source of antioxidants. So can birds benefit from all the nutrients in limes? 

There are pros and cons to giving your birds limes. Limes, just like lemons, are acidic, they contain high levels of citric acid. Too much acid can be harmful to your bird and thus, you can only safely offer birds limes in moderation. 

Limes may be acidic but this acidity can be helpful once in a while. Giving birds limes will be beneficial to them if they have alkaline infections that need to be fought off, the most common type of alkaline infection is a yeast infection 

Giving your bird limes will also promote the growth of healthy bacteria. This allows the bird to fight off any other infections. 

That being said, too many limes can cause your bird to develop some health problems. Yes, the acid can benefit your bird but it can also cause it to develop digestive issues. Seek advice from a vet to determine the appropriate amount of limes to give your bird

How to serve limes to birds?

If you decide to feed your birds limes remember that moderation is key. When feeding these animals this fruit be sure to limit their servings. Because of their small size, you always need to give your bird a serving size smaller than you think you do. Their bodies are sensitive to foods and will react quickly as it takes a shorter time to process food 

Before serving the limes you should wash the pesticides off, birds eating pesticides is a recipe for disaster. After this, you can cut the fruit into small and manageable pieces for your pet to pick at and eat. Offer this fruit about 2-3 times a week and do not feed them the whole fruit only small amounts 

Can birds drink lemonade?

You may be tempted to give your bird some lemonade as a treat, and this can be ok, but don’t go overboard. If you make your own lemonade avoid adding sugar to the mix, birds may love sugar but too much of it can negatively affect the health of your bird. Only give them a little bit occasionally, rather offer more healthy treats such as fruits if they crave sugar.

If you buy your lemonade, avoid giving it to birds. Human products contain preservatives, high amounts of sugar and artificial colourings which are not safe for birds. You may not think that the lemonade is very sweet but the bird’s small body may not be able to take it well 


In conclusion, yes birds can eat limes, that being said, limes should only be given to birds in limited amounts. The acidity in limes can benefit the bird but too much can be detrimental to its health. When feeding birds this food, serve them small pieces of lime 2-3 times a week. Consult with your vet to have them assess whether your bird can handle this much lime.  You should also avoid giving your bird too much lemonade and avoid it completely if it store-bought 

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Can birds eat limes?
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