Can birds eat onions?, Risks, what to do if your bird eats onions

Onions are the base of many dishes, from soups to pasta, and even salads. There are many types of onions available and the number of onion types rivals the number of preparation methods. Who knows where the human race would be without them, but how about birds? If humans eat onions this frequently can birds do the same? This article explores the question of ‘can birds eat onions’

Birds cannot eat onions. Onions are toxic to birds as they contain sulfur compounds. When birds chew onions the sulfur irritates the lining of the bird’s digestive tract including the mouth, esophagus, and the crop. Onions can cause ulcers in birds as well as weakness and anemia.

Can birds eat onions?, Risks, what to do if your bird eats onions

Birds love vegetables, in order to maintain a healthy diet, vegetables need to be a large part of a bird’s food intake. Except for onions, onions are toxic to birds. Onions contain sulfur compounds, when your bird chews onions the sulfur compounds become poisonous disulfides.

These irritate the lining of the bird’s digestive tract, the digestive tract being the mouth, esophagus, and the crop. The result of this irritation is ulcers, the sulfur can also cause the bird’s red blood cells to rupture as well as cause hemolytic anemia and weakness in birds. 

In addition, onions can cause digestive issues within your bird. Small or large quantities of onion can cause digestive complications. These complications can show up as a loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. 

Will cooking the onions make them edible to birds?

Cooking onions will not make them edible to birds, no way of preparing onions is safe for the bird.

Onions packaged as onion powder, onions in food, onion broth, raw onion, caramelized onions, sautéd onions, roasted onions, sweated onions, boiled onions, grilled onions, pickled onions or roasted onions are all toxic to birds.

If you enjoy using onion in your cooking it’s best to keep your bird friend far from the kitchen and far from your food

In addition, it is important to note that all types of onions are unsafe for your bird. Do not feed your bird sweet onions, white onions, red onions, yellow onions, or shallots.

Regardless of the type of onion, all contain sulfur compounds that can harm the bird 

What to do if your bird eats an onion? 

If you realize that your bird has accidentally eaten an onion immediately take it to the vet. Birds are small and have fast metabolisms, waiting to send the animal to the vet can be fatal. 

Some of the symptoms that you need to look out for if you think your bird has eaten onions include vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, vomiting can be confused with regurgitation.

The difference between the two is that regurgitation is usually minor, vomiting is a more violent and uncontrollable action. If you realize that your bird’s droppings have changed in texture or color, you should be worried as well

What vegetables can you feed birds?

Some vegetables that you can offer your bird include sweet potatoes, dandelion greens, hot bell peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, corn, collard greens, zucchini, spinach, butternut, beets and carrots, to name a few. 

It is advised that you feed your bird a selection of vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables should make up 15-30% of a birds diet. Also, be sure to vary the fruits and vegetables you feed your bird.

Vary their diet not only by the type of vegetables it eats but also by the preparation and combination of these vegetables. Pick darker leaves and more colorful vegetables as they tend to be more nutritious. 

NB: When feeding fruits or vegetables to your bird remember to wash them before serving to prevent pesticide poisoning of your bird

What vegetables should you not feed birds?

One other vegetable that you cannot feed your bird is garlic. 

Garlic is well-loved by humans but is a food that can negatively affect birds. This vegetable contains a compound called allicin. Allicin, when ingested by birds, causes anemia and weakness in birds.  


In conclusion, no, birds cannot eat any type of onion cooked in any type of way.  This food contains sulphur which irritates the digestive tract of the bird.

The effects of this irritation can include ulcers in the bird’s digestive tract. In addition, onion can cause the rupturing of the bird’s red blood cells. 

There are a variety of other vegetables that you can choose to feed your bird, these include sweet potatoes, dandelion greens, hot bell peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, corn, collard greens, zucchini, spinach, butternut, beets, and carrots to name a few. If your bird eats onion, you should immediately take it to the vet. Signs that indicate that your bird has eaten onion include voting and diarrhea 

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Can birds eat onions?, Risks, what to do if your bird eats onions
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