Pineapples are delicious and juicy fruits to us humans but are we be the only animals that can enjoy it? Can birds eat pineapple?
Birds can eat pineapple. Pineapple is one of the many fruits that naturally grow in the wild. This fruit is packed with nutrients and is a tasty and healthy snack for birds. When feeding birds pineapples only give them small quantities of the fruit or they will try to eat the whole fruit.
There’s no denying that humans love pineapple. We enjoy the taste of this tropical fruit and don’t mind consuming it in solid, dried, or juice form. But what makes the pineapple so special and can it be eaten by birds? Whether you’re a bird owner, bird lover or are just curious this article is for you.
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Can birds eat pineapple?
Yes, birds can eat pineapple. Birds can eat a lot of things but their main diet consists of grains, nuts, seeds, nectar, flowers, berries, fruits, mealworms, vegetables, and insects.
While grains and seeds make up a large part of a bird’s diet in the wild, fruits are also heavily consumed by these creatures.
Birds like parrots, turacos, cape weavers, blue jays, robins, bananaquits, wrens, blackbirds, canaries, sparrows, pigeons, cockatiel, and lovebirds are great with fruits.
One favourite fruit of birds is pineapple. If you haven’t been feeding your pet bird this fruit, you really should start including the nutritious snack into its diet.
Benefits of pineapples
Rich in antioxidants: Pineapples contain lots of disease-fighting antioxidants. Some of these powerful antioxidants include flavonoids and phenolic acids. The antioxidants in pineapples help to protect our cells against free radicals and also help our bodies fight off oxidative stress.
Boosts immunity: Pineapple contains vitamin C and the enzyme bromelain. This helps to modulate the immune system and accelerate wound healing in humans and animals. Your feathered friend needs vitamin C and bromelain in its diet just as much as you do. You can help strengthen its immunity by feeding it a pineapple.
Promotes better digestion: Dietary fibre, vitamin C, bromelain, and other digestive enzymes in pineapple help to improve digestion. By including this fruit in our diet, our bodies can easily absorb nutrients from the other foods we eat. Humans and animals with bowel problems will find pineapples to be a natural remedy.
Reduces blood pressure: Pineapple is rich in potassium which helps to ease the tension of the blood vessels and promotes the flow of blood to all parts of the body. As the tension of blood vessels relax, blood pressure drops and the circulation of blood throughout the body is less restricted. In other words, pineapples can help prevent such ailments as atherosclerosis and stroke.
Strengthens the bones: The manganese and vitamin C in pineapple helps to strengthen the bones and its connecting tissues. Humans can enjoy this benefit by eating pineapple in its solid, dried, and juice form. Studies have shown that a cup of fresh pineapple juice contains more than 70% of the recommended daily intake of manganese. You can also help to strengthen the bones of your pet bird by feeding it this nutritious fruit.
How to feed birds pineapple
When feeding birds pineapple, we have to understand that these creatures are little and cannot eat pineapples the same way we do.
Consuming too many pineapples has adverse effects on humans, imagine what it will do to your bird. Pineapple is a highly beneficial food to birds as we have seen, but this fruit must be eaten in moderation.
Pineapples should be fed in pieces to a bird for easy swallowing. Another thing to take note of is how much pineapple is served to the bird. A small piece of pineapple cut into very little pieces will do just fine for your little friend – this will help you make sure that it doesn’t overfeed on the fruit.
Whatever happens, never serve a bird a large piece of pineapple hoping it will stop eating when it’s full. It may never stop even after it gets full.
Also, pineapple core is healthy and extremely delicious for your pet bird. So it’s okay to let your little friend have it.
What other fruits can you give to birds?
Other healthy fruits you can give to birds include:
Apples: Apples contain calories, fibre, carbs, protein, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and a lot of antioxidants.
Cherries: Cherries are an excellent source of fibre, B vitamins, copper, magnesium, vitamin K, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients.
Raisins: Even with their small size, raisins contain lots of fibre, carbs, copper, potassium, vitamins C, K and E, and other dietary minerals.
Pumpkins: Pumpkins are rich in vitamin A, calories, fat, protein, fiber, carbs, vitamin C, potassium, copper, manganese, riboflavin, and other essential nutrients.
Birds eat a variety of foods. Here are some articles looking at if birds eat quinoa, watermelon, cheese, cucumber, celery and eggs. Click the links to read more
Do birds know who feeds them?
According to research, birds can recognize the faces and voices of individuals that feed them.
The research shows that birds like pigeons are able to tell people apart using their facial features. So if you’ve been feeding pigeons, best believe these birds already know what your face looks like.
Some humans are kind to birds while others will hurt these creatures the first chance they get. Their ability to differentiate between faces keeps them safe.
Pineapples are definitely a food that you can give birds. If you’re a bird lover, rather than dump kitchen scraps in the garbage, give them to your avian friends.
As we’ve learned, pineapples aren’t just juicy fruits; they are also super-rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Your pet bird needs the fruit just as much as you do. So, do well to share this delicious fruit with a bird next time.
Don’t forget to feed the bird only bits of the snack!