When we think of pet birds we usually think of an image of a bird kept inside of a cage, but if you’re wanting to own a bird you may not want to keep it in a cage.
This article looks into whether you can keep a bird without a cage.
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Can you keep a bird without a cage?
Many will tell you to buy a cage along with a bird and others will say this is cruel and that the bird shouldn’t be kept in cages. Here is what you need to know about this:
Can you keep a bird without a cage?
Yes, you definitely can keep your bird without a cage, and many bird owners have done this with no incident.
Birds can live with you without cages but there are a few things you would need to know before doing this.
How to do this:
If you do choose to keep the bird in the cage it is also advised that you keep the bird in only one part of the house as this is less risky than letting the bird have access to all parts of the house at all times.
Also, ensure that you give the bird a standing spot inside of the room that you’ve confined the bird in, a spot that is high enough to where the bird sees it as a high vantage point is recommended.
Also, make sure that basic needs like food and water are accessible to the bird where it lives.
As much as you would want the bird to behave and not fly away or get into any trouble the bird will get into trouble.
If you know that your bird flies around your house you’d still need to bird-proof your house to some extent.
Bird proofing the house looks like checking that all your cleaning supplies are away from the bird, making sure that there are no electric appliances or wires that the bird has access too, and making sure there are no windows, doors, or openings that the bird can escape out of.
If you think that having to bird proof your house is worth doing in order to keep your bird out of a cage then you can do this.
The benefit of not keeping the bird in the cage:
Birds love their freedom and keeping the bird out of the cage will allow this to happen.
However, even though freedom is good for the bird this can cost you more than it benefits the bird.
Generally, cages are made for birds, and are designed to have enough space in the cage to comfortably fit the bird.
This freedom can also be achieved by letting the bird out of the cage daily. The bird will be fine with a couple of hours out of the cage on a daily basis.
Benefits of keeping the bird in the cage:
Keeping your bird confined to a cage may make you upset but there are many pros to doing this:
Keeping the bird safe:
Birds are very curious animals, and because they are descendants of wild birds these animals will have the desire to be free around and even damage your property.
They can even fly into windows, ceiling fans, or outside if not kept in the cage.
Less supervision needed:
Even if you do bird-proof your bird house you would still need to supervise the bird to make sure that the bird won’t get into any mischief.
If you keep your bird in a cage then you can go about your day without worrying about the bird.
If the bird isn’t kept in a cage then the bird will need more supervision to make sure it isn’t getting into trouble
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