Can you neuter a squirrel?

If you’re wondering why your cuddly pet squirrel is suddenly becoming harsh with you, chances are it has finally hit maturity. This is the stage when it displays its maleness in a bid for domestic dominance. This is when you need to make a decision as to whether you should neuter it or not.

Neutering is done to a variety of household pets but can you neuter a squirrel? This article looks into it. So whether you’re a squirrel owner, a future squirrel owner or are simply curious this article is for you.

You can neuter a squirrel. There are many positives to neutering a squirrel and these include reducing the risk of prostate and testicular illnesses. Neutering a squirrel will also make the squirrel much less aggressive making it safer to have around your family. You can neuter a squirrel as soon as its testicles drop.

Can you neuter a squirrel?

In the wild squirrels tend to live up to 5 years. Whereas domestic pet squirrels live up to 12 years. Neutering a wild adult squirrel reduces their aggression.

Neutering a domestic squirrel does the same and is a good way to ensure that it doesn’t lash out and harm members of your household as it gains maturity.

Neutering of pets in general has also been shown to reduce the risk of prostate and testicular related diseases in animals.

You can neuter a squirrel to reduce its aggressive behaviour. Neutering also reduces the risk of testicular cancer found in rodents.

So, the answer is yes you can neuter a squirrel. If you do decide to neuter your squirrel then you can do it as soon as his testicles drop. 

Can you neuter a male squirrel yourself?

Neutering a squirrel can improve its life span as it reduces the risk of testicular cancer. It can also improve the squirrel’s trust levels as fewer hormones are ravaging it.

The surgery, however, is risky given the tiny, acute body of a squirrel and it needs to be well-timed.

So, it’s best to seek out a skilled professional who has experience with exotic animals. Neutering a male squirrel yourself is risky to the life and health of the squirrel if you are not trained adequately to do it.

Will a male squirrel change after being neutered?

The domineering and aggressive tendencies of male squirrels will change after being neutered.

A less aggressive, more receptive, and friendly squirrel who lives longer is likely to result from neutering.

Squirrels in the wild are naturally curious, timid, and defensive. Un-neutered pet squirrel owners tell stories of needing to put squirrels in time out to calm down and rebuild trust.

A neutered mature male squirrel has less hormonal action within its body as such it is likely to be calmer, docile, and more open to just chill and be your pal. You get to enjoy the playful, curious cute creature that squirrels truly are.

Can you vaccinate a squirrel?

Squirrels have very robust bodies, so much so that most veterinarians suggest that they don’t need to be vaccinated. While other veterinarians and pet owners prefer to vaccinate squirrels as an added dose of protection.

Squirrels born in the wild are more prone to having contracted diseases while in the wild.

Vets reason that several communicable diseases can survive in the bodies of squirrels without immediately affecting the squirrel, because of this it is important to vaccinate.

Why are squirrels bad pets?

Wildlife and health authorities advise against making pets of squirrels because they are potential host carriers of various diseases.

The robust bodies of squirrels are a benefit as well as a disadvantage since it makes it a potential point for spreading diseases to other pets and even humans.


In conclusion, you can neuter a squirrel.  

The positives to neutering a squirrel include reducing the risk of testicular and prostate illnesses.

Neutering a squirrel is also beneficial because it will make the squirrel much less aggressive. A less aggressive squirrel is much safer to have around your family.

If you want to do this to your squirrel you can do it as soon as its testicles drop, always have this done by a professional.

Vaccinating a squirrel is a procedure that isn’t needed but can be very helpful but the safest course of action is to not own a squirrel as a pet in the first place.

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Can you neuter a squirrel?
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