
Do birds sleep in the same place every night?

Birds need sleep just as humans do, well birds don’t exactly sleep, they have a slow-wave sleep that keeps them alert in case any predators suddenly pounce on them in the dead of the night. We humans generally sleep in one place every night, creating a very comfortable place to rest our heads night after […]

Do all birds make nests?

When we think of a bird family the typical idea that comes to mind is a mother bird feeding her eager babies in a nest made of twigs and other earthly bits. Nests are used as a place for parent birds to store and nurture their babies. A warm safe bit of nature safe from […]

Do male birds make nests?

Bird nests can be seen everywhere, both in the wild and in urban environments. A nest is where birds decide to lay and incubate their eggs. You’ve probably seen these stick and grass constructions all over the place and you may be wondering how these are built or even, who builds them. So, do male […]

Do chickens eat maggots?

Humans tend to stay away from maggots, these insects are not very welcome in many households. Flies lay eggs in food as well as rubbish and these hatch into maggots. They may be disgusting to humans but in the animal kingdom, every plant and animal exists in the ecosystem for one reason or another, including […]

Frozen corn for chickens, beneficial or not?

For chickens to maintain a healthy life they need to eat a combination of different foods, these foods include vegetables. On your end, giving chickens corn can be a convenient, long-lasting and affordable food to feed your chicken. Vegetables, in general, are good for chickens but how about corn and how about frozen corn for […]

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