If you own a pet cockatiel, or if you own any other bird for that matter, then you know to keep an eye on the bird at all times to make sure that it is healthy, happy, and safe
Seeing your cockatiel flap its wings like crazy can cause any bird owner to be worried, this article explores why this happens.
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Cockatiel flapping wings like crazy:
A sudden change in your bird’s behavior will worry any bird owner, and there is a variety of reasons why this may be happening including:
Attention seeking:
If you find that your bird starts flapping its wings like crazy when you come around then this simply means that the bird wants to play with you and is trying to get your attention by flapping its wings at you.
This will usually happen with birds who are used to hanging around you and are not only comfortable with you, but are excited to see you and want to spend time with you
What to do:
Cockatiels are quite social birds, these birds will do well if you give them regular interaction or if they are given time with other birds.
If you are the bird’s companion then it will look to you to satisfy its need to socialize.
Play with the bird on a daily basis to ensure that the bird is enjoying itself and is satisfied. Once the bird has had enough social interaction for the day then you can move on with your day.
A bird that is genuinely excited to see you will also flap its wings, like crazy when you are around, the bird may see your presence as a sign of you wanting to play with it or that you are about to start playing with it.
This is a good sign, birds take a while to adjust to new people so if a bird is excited to see you then this means that the bird is quite comfortable and sees you as its flock mate
What to do:
You don’t have to do anything in this case, just be happy that the bird feels this way about you and that you’ve created a home that the bird is happy and content in.
Wing flapping when new people come into the room or when the bird sees a threat is also common in these birds.
The bird is used to flying away when a threat comes around, they are also used to flapping their wings to warn other birds that there is a predator around. Your bird may simply be doing this.
What to do:
Figuring out what your bird is so afraid of and getting that thing away from the bird will get the cockatiel to stop flapping its wings like crazy.
The threat can be something that seems benign to us humans but threatening to birds, this includes other birds, your domestic dog or cat, or even a person that the bird doesn’t know.
The bird should relax after the threat is removed, you can also calmly talk to the bird to get it to relax.
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