Common Causes Of Squirrel Death (6 Common Causes)

Squirrels are amazing animals, these creatures are adaptable, clever, fast, agile and they can also live for many, many years. Squirrels can live up to 24 years old under the right conditions.

However, there are many factors that can reduce a squirrels life span or stop its life.

If you’re raising a squirrel and want to ensure that it lives for as long as possible or you’re simply curious about what the common causes of squirrel deaths are then read on. 

Common causes of squirrel deaths are head trauma from falls, electric shocks from climbing on telephone lines, poison ingested accidentally, succumbing to parasites, bacteria or illness or being preyed upon by a predator.


Common causes of squirrel deaths:

Even though squirrels can live for many years, the likelihood of a squirrel dying of old age is low. Environmental factors usually cause this animal’s untimely demise.

The average age a wild squirrel can expect to live up to is 12 years old, here are the common causes of squirrel deaths: 

Head trauma:

Squirrels run up and down trees all day long, it is inevitable that these little creatures will slip and fall from trees.

While it is true that squirrels can survive the impact of terminal velocity, (the fastest an object can fall no matter what height it is dropped from) the animal can still experience trauma from the fall.

This head trauma may not seem apparent right after the fall but the animal can succumb to its injury later on

Electric shocks:

Squirrels and humans have been living very closely together over the years. Because of this, squirrels have become common occurrences in our environments, not only in our backyards but on electric fences and power lines.

Squirrels use their incredibly sharp claws to dig into power line poles. Unfortunately, any mishap can cause the squirrel to become electrocuted and die from an electric shock 


Although it is illegal to poison squirrels in many states, this still happens. Other cases of poisoning happen when squirrels accidentally ingest toxic chemicals.

Because squirrels are opportunistic feeders, and are very curious, they may accidentally ingest rat poison which can quickly kill them. These animals can also be poisoned by deadly pesticides meant for other pests in gardens 

Parasites and bacteria:

Wild animals, squirrels included, can be hosts to a variety of parasites and bacteria which can eventually kill them. Common bacteria and parasites that can be found on squirrels include toxoplasmosis, tularemia and Bartonella.

All of these can be fatal to the animal



Bacteria and parasites can be found on a squirrel’s body, squirrels can also be killed by diseases in their body. A more well-known disease that can affect squirrels is rabies.

Other lesser-known diseases that can affect squirrels include animal distemper virus and squirrel fibroma virus. 


Squirrels are pretty low on the food chain, there are a variety of animals that prey on squirrels. Animals that prey on squirrels include hawks, weasels, rattlesnakes, bull snakes, eagles, coyotes and foxes 

How do you know if a squirrel is dying?

You’ll know that a squirrel is dying if it suddenly stops being the energy ball that squirrels are known to be, a dying squirrel will become very lethargic.

Other signs that you should look out for are scabs or discharge around the animal’s ears, eyes, mouth, feet or genitalia 

How do you save a dying squirrel?

If you notice that your squirrel is showing signs of dying, or illness, you can try to save it before it dies.

The best course of action is to take the animal to a wildlife rehabilitation centre, the people employed at these rehabilitation centres will know exactly how to treat your squirrel.

While you’re on your way there, it is important to keep the squirrel warm and hydrated, alternatively, you can take the animal to a vet 


In conclusion, the most common reasons for squirrel deaths is predation from predators, diseases, bacteria, parasites, trauma from falls, electrocutions and accidentally ingesting poison.

You’ll notice that a squirrel is dying from its lethargic behaviour and discharge or scabs on its body. Taking the animal to a vet or a wildlife rehabilitation center can stop the animal from dying

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Common Causes Of Squirrel Death (6 Common Causes)
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