Can Chickens Eat Quinoa? Benefits And Serving Suggestions

If you’re a health enthusiast, then you are likely aware of the health benefits of quinoa. This food is able to deliver a variety of vitamins and minerals to the body, vitamins, and minerals such as B vitamins, protein, and fiber. It also contains all 9 amino acids.

Because of these benefits, it has been one of the world’s most popular foods for a very long time. So, can this amazing food be fed to chickens? This article explores the question of ‘Can chickens eat quinoa’

Chickens can definitely eat quinoa. Quinoa is a well-loved seed eaten by humans and it can be given to chickens as well. This food can deliver a variety of nutrients to the bird including protein, flavonoids, iron, and fiber 

Can chickens eat quinoa?

A typical chicken’s diet consists of vegetables like spinach, carrots, bok choi, or broccoli. Fruits like apples, berries, and bananas. As well as grain products like alfalfa, oats, wheat, and corn.

Quinoa is technically a seed, not a grain, but it is classified as a grain and is definitely one that chickens can eat. 

Nutrients that birds get from quinoa?

We humans use quinoa as a substitute for rice and other grains. This food is superior to refined grains as it is considered to have better sources of B vitamins, fiber, iron, and especially protein. These minerals can improve a chickens health in a variety of ways:


Protein makes up 15% of quinoa. Protein is vital as it plays a large role in egg production, immunity to diseases, the growth of the bird, maintenance of the bird’s muscles and, it helps maintain the bird’s feathers, especially during the colder winter months.

B vitamins:

Chickens that ingest good amounts of B vitamins will be able to maintain a good healthy weight as well as beautiful healthy looking feathers. B vitamins also ensure that nervous disorders do not develop in the bird.

This collection of vitamins also ensures that the bird maintains a robust and healthy immune system as well as high energy levels 


This is essential in maintaining healthy chicken digestion. Quinoa contains higher levels of fiber than many other grains.

Feeding your bird quinoa will improve the bird’s digestion, reduce your chicken’s blood sugar levels, and lower high cholesterol levels if your chicken is suffering from high cholesterol levels 


This mineral is an essential trace mineral for not only humans but for animals like chickens as well. Iron plays a role in transporting oxygen and electrons throughout the bird’s body. A lack of iron in the bird’s body will lead to anemia. 

Flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol:

Quinoa contains good amounts of flavonoids including quercetin and kaempferol. These two are helpful as they are anti-inflammatory, are antidepressants, and are anti-viral 

Can baby chicks eat quinoa?

Baby birds eat much less food than adult birds do, you can feed quinoa to baby birds but only feed them very small amounts of this food on occasion.

Feeding baby birds too much quinoa over a long period of time can cause them to become malnourished. This food may be nutritious to the bird but it will not deliver all the nutrients that the bird needs.

Feeding baby birds a starter baby bird formula will be best for the animal.

How to serve quinoa to chickens 

Quinoa is a very versatile food that can be served to birds either raw or cooked. Regardless of whether the food is served raw or cooked, it is always best to wash the seed before serving it to your chickens.

In addition, uncooked quinoa should be soaked and allowed to sprout before you serve it to your chickens 

Adding other ingredients to this food will make it more enjoyable for chickens to eat and will add additional nutrients to this dish. Excellent additions to your chicken’s quinoa dish include vegetables, chopped up nuts, eggs, and birdseed 


In conclusion, yes quinoa can be served to chickens.

This food contains superior amounts of protein, iron, fiber, B vitamins, and flavonoids when compared to other foods categorized as grains. It can be given to chickens and chicks in moderation and can be served cooked or raw.

Additions can be added to the quinoa to add to your chickens eating experience, this can include eggs, chopped up nuts, birdseed, and vegetables 

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Can Chickens Eat Quinoa? Benefits And Serving Suggestions
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