Do fertilized eggs taste different?

Humans have enjoyed the taste and health benefits of eating eggs for centuries, we eat eggs from various birds but the most common egg eaten by humans are chickens eggs.

It is a well-known and well-loved food and it is said that in the US around six billion eggs are eaten per year. People enjoy eggs cooked in various ways and some eat fertilized eggs too. But are fertilized eggs healthier to eat than unfertilized eggs? And do fertilized eggs taste different. This article looks into it

The truth is that fertilized eggs do not taste different from unfertilized eggs. Various people swear that fertilized eggs taste different but in reality, science has illustrated that this is not the case, fertilized eggs do not taste different from unfertilized eggs. The only thing that will alter the taste of eggs is the seasoning and preparation of the egg.

Do fertilized eggs taste different?

It’s a subject of many breakfast table and kitchen debates: do fertilized eggs taste different? Well, science has stepped in with the aim of putting the debate to rest. Fertilized eggs according to science, do not have any significant taste difference compared to an unfertilized egg.

What can and usually does cause a taste difference is the preparation and seasoning used of the egg. Still, many people hold on to the idea that this is just one of the things science has got wrong.

People who believe fertilized eggs taste different think this ways because they believe that fertilized eggs carry more developed proteins than unfertilized eggs.

It is the belief that eggs with blood spots are signs of fertilization. Because of this, the popular belief is that since the chicken is being developed then there is more taste in the egg. Science counters this and states that blood spots are not the reason behind a tastier egg.

Are fertilized eggs healthier?

Another idea is that fertilized eggs are healthier, but is this true? Modern science shows that there has been no scientific evidence that shows that the nutritional values when comparing a fertilized and an unfertilized egg are different.

Modern science indicates that the only difference between a fertilized egg and an unfertilized egg is the presence of a fertilizing sperm. That being said, the sperm cell is so tiny and small that it does not change the taste of the egg or affect how healthy the egg is.

How can you tell if an egg is fertilized or not?

Scientists and the everyday person both agree on how you can test if an egg is fertilized or not, this is called cancelling.

Candling is a method used to see the inside of an egg, you candle by shining a bring light, against the egg while in a dark location. If there is a dark spot around the middle of the egg with spider-like veins around it then the egg is fertilized and growing. If there are no veins or mass visible, then the egg is unfertilized and will not hatch.

Are supermarket eggs fertilized?

Supermarket eggs are often infertile because they have not been incubated. Incubation or keeping the egg in a temperature of 85 degrees celsius is necessary for any development inside the egg. Because they are kept in the cold, supermarket eggs are infertile.

Can you leave fertilized eggs at room temperature?

Yes, you can, but they will not hatch at that temperature. Unless the location is the right temperature for a chick to grow in, the eggs, even if fertilized, will not hatch on their own in the open at room temperature. I

n order for eggs to hatch, they need to be stored at a minimum warm environment as well as have ongoing moisture at around 85 degrees celsius over several days in order for incubation and fertilization to happen.  Leaving them somewhere with a normal room temperature is not enough to make them hatch.


In conclusion, fertilized eggs do not taste different, in addition, fertilized eggs are not healthier than unfertilized eggs. If you want to test whether an egg is fertilized or not then you can candle the egg. You can leave an unfertilized egg at room temperature and it will not hatch and produce a chick.

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Do fertilized eggs taste different?
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