Do pet birds poop everywhere?

Bird poop all over your house and garden isn’t something that anyone would be fond of. Poop can make your property and garden look unsightly, it can damage your property and it can be dangerous to your health. If you’re looking to buy and own a pet bird then you may be asking: do pet birds poop everywhere? This article looks into it

The fact of the matter is yes, birds poop everywhere, this is actually quite helpful in the wild as it helps disperse seeds. Poop everywhere is what these animals have evolved to do and it works very well in the wild, unfortunately, it won’t work well in cities and in your home when kept as pets

Do pet birds poop everywhere?

All animals need to poop, animal poop is very beneficial to the soil and biodiversity in the wild. There is no potty training out in the wild to prevent birds from pooping everywhere so almost anywhere can be a toilet for birds. So yes pet birds do and will poop everywhere if out the cage.

Sometimes it is beneficial for birds to poop everywhere as they disperse seeds and encourage plant health by spreading manure. The same excrement behaviour is going to be seen in a pet bird. As a pet bird owner you need to find ways of managing this behaviour, or else they will pop everywhere, not just in their cages but also on our patio, in your garden on your car

Can you train a bird to poop in one place

Pet birds instinctively poop where they are after a meal. It is a natural response to a digestive cycle. First, observe the bird to determine when it is about to poop. Check for indications such as raising of the tail, ruffling of the feathers, shifting from foot to foot, and squatting. Once you have identified the signs of an upcoming poop, you are ready for the next step. 

The quickest and easiest way to limit where the bird excretes is to keep the bird in a cage, all the poop will be collected in it. Cages are easy to clean and removes the need for time-consuming checks to find out where your bird has pooped. However, you still need to potty train the bird because it will not stay in a cage all the time.

After having gathered the signs and frequency of a poop, move the bird to a specific potty point when you notice that it is about to poop. Repeat this several times until the bird learns how to defecate in one place. Reward the bird with treats if it catches on and uses a specific potty point.

Why do birds poop in their water bowl?

Since birds do not urinate, they excrete all their waste through pooping. Unfortunately, they may also excrete vital minerals through their poop. Some birds drink poop water to replenish background bacteria in their bodies. This is not healthy for the bird as it may overdose. Teach the bird to defecate safely and provide food supplements to regenerate needed minerals in the bird.


Do birds poop while flying?

It sometimes seems like birds are target bombers when it comes to pooping while flying. The poop will land smack right on your face or on some food you were about to eat. Arghh! Birds do poop while flying because they can, it is a natural digestive response. Birds that have been potty trained are less likely to poop while flying indoors. 

Can bird poop be dangerous to humans?

Like all poop, bird poop contains the right conditions for parasites and other disease-causing organisms to grow. Do not consume any food that has been contaminated by bird poop, it is dangerous.

Apart from the dangers of ingesting bird poop, it can also damage buildings due to its high acidic content. Remember, birds don’t urinate, so it is as if their poop contains their urine too. That is why it is important to clean immediately after a bird has pooped to avoid damage to the surface that was affected. 


In conclusion, if a bird that has not been potty trained is let loose in the house it can and will poop everywhere, this is helpful in the wild as it helps with seed dispersal but it can become a real problem in urban areas.

When they show signs of pooping you can train them to poop in certain areas. These animals can also poop while flying and because the poop can be dangerous to humans we recommended staying away from poop as best as you can.

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Do pet birds poop everywhere?
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