Oak trees are very common in the United States, these trees are a staple in many backyards and the acorns that grow from these trees are known to be one of the best wildlife foods. So if wildlife can eat acorns off of oak trees can pigeons?
This article explores the question of ‘do pigeons eat acorns’
There are varying opinions on whether pigeons can eat acorns. Tannins, which are found in acorns, are low-grade toxins that bird owners are warned against feeding pigeons yet some experts are of the opinion that foods containing tannins can be fed to birds. To be on the safe side, avoid feeding acorns to your pigeon
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Do pigeons eat acorns?
A variety of wild animals eat acorns, it has been said that around 150 species of wildlife are known to eat acorns. These animals greatly benefit from this food. This may be the case for a variety of wildlife but there is still controversy and confusion on whether pigeons can eat acorns.
Toxins in acorns:
The controversy around acorns and pigeons has to do with tannins present in acorn seeds. Tannins are a low-grade toxin found in acorn seeds as well as other seeds such as apple seeds, grape seeds, and peach pits.
Tannins are bitter-tasting compounds that serve as a part of the natural deface system of certain plants. Tannins are also quite bitter, this bitterness prevents certain vertebrae and insects from eating the plant
It is said that tannins are poisonous to pigeons and other birds but a variety of birds including crows and parrots are known to happily eat acorns with no issue.
A study that concluded that acorns were toxic to birds was later found to have little scientific research. A later study showed that tannin was actually safe for birds to consume.
That begins said, some experts still recommend that acorns should not be given to pigeons. There may be contradicting opinions on the subject but if you want to stay on the safer side rather avoid giving acorns to your pigeon.
If you want to give nuts to your pigeon rather opt for nuts that are generally considered safe for your featured friends.
White vs red acorns for pigeons
Acorns come in two types namely red acorns and white acorns. Red acorns have higher amounts of tannin than white acorns do, this affects how your bird takes to the acorn.
The red variety may contain more protein, calories, fiber, and fats than white acorns, but the higher levels of tannins make them more bitter and less desirable than white acorns.
If you do decide to offer your pigeon acorns you may find that it favors the white variety over the red
What nuts are safe for pigeons?
Pigeons are not picky eaters, you’ve probably heard them being described as ‘opportunistic feeders’ this means they will eat almost anything edible given the opportunity.
That being said, not all foods are good for them. Foods that are good for them include nuts, good nuts to feed pigeons include:
- Macadamia nuts
- Beechnuts
- Hickory nuts
- Sunflower seeds
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Pine nuts
- Brazil nuts
Other benefits of oak trees
While acorns may be a hit or miss with your pigeon, the tree can benefit your bird in other ways. Pigeons can use twigs and leaves from oak trees to make nests in your garden.
Oak trees also help to remove carbon dioxide in the air and release oxygen thus cleaning the air for all the organisms in the area. The tree can also be a source of shade to your backyard pigeons and other backyard animals.
In conclusion, the jury is still out, there are arguments for and against feeding acorns to pigeons so feed your pigeons acorns at your own discretion, or avoid giving your bird this food altogether to be on the safe side.
The compound tannin found in acorns may or may not be dangerous to your bird, a trip to the vet or a bird specialist will help you find a concrete answer.
Alternative nuts that can be fed to your pigeon include macadamia nuts, beechnuts, hickory nuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts and brazil nuts
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