Both the squirrel and the possum are cute animals in their own way. So do possums eat squirrels?
Possums do eat squirrels. Possums eat both plants and animals and a squirrel is one animal that a possum won’t have a problem with hunting. Squirrels may be quick but a possum will be quicker. If a squirrel doesn’t run into its burrow quickly enough it will become a possum meal
Occasionally, possums are victims of mistaken identities, possums aren’t rodents. Possums are marsupial mammals like kangaroos. These animals aren’t afraid to bare their sharp teeth at anyone when they feel threatened. There are many types of possums with similar and unique dietary needs. Let’s dive into this article to find out if they eat squirrels.
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Do possums eat squirrels?
Yes, possums do eat squirrels. Possums are opportunistic scavenging omnivores, a possum’s diet consists of plants and animals. They will eat any available plants and animals within their area.
Generally, possums eat a mixture of rodents, insects, worms, slugs, snails, frogs, and birds for meat. Vegetables, berries, nuts, and fruits are their plant-based meals. In urban areas, they will scavenge scraps from local garbage disposals, even steal pet food and birdseed.
Possums aren’t nocturnal animals, but they do hunt at night. Since they aren’t nocturnal, they may bump into a thing or two at night. They mainly rely on their sense of smell and hearing to get around in the dark. These are preferred times for possums to hunt because this is when prey is out and about making prey easier to snatch.
A foraging squirrel especially when young, can become prey to a hunting possum. Squirrels are most visible during the hours from dawn till dusk, which are the same hours possums hunt.
Given the opportunity, a possum will hunt a squirrel. It will use its sharp small teeth and expandable jaws to maim and rip apart an unsuspecting squirrel. Also, to maintain the element of surprise, a possum may enter into a squirrel’s burrow and grab a young squirrel.
As a defensive, squirrels may quickly disappear into its burrow hiding from the possum. Squirrels can and often fight back, but a possum’s speed and hunting skills make it more equipt to win than the squirrel. Thus, squirrels get overpowered by the better fighter. If it can escape, the squirrel will let out an alarming call to alert fellow squirrels about the predator.
What else do possums eat?
Several different types of possums’ diet on other animals and plants as well. The bare-tailed possum enjoys tree sap nectar. The derby possum likes pepper vines. The brown-eared possum especially likes fruits. The Virginia possum like snakes’ snails and carrion. The grey four-eyed possum likes crustaceans, amphibians, and reptiles. Here is why:
Rodents: These animals are smaller and easier to catch. Possums use their quick paws, wide jaws and sharp teeth to trap and kill a mouse and mice. These rodents offer protein and animal fat which possums need.
Amphibians and Reptiles: These animals are meaty treats for possums. They are rich in niacin, phosphorous, manganese and trace elements that are great for a possums’ wool coat and warmth.
Tree sap nectar: As omnivores plant-based nutrients, carbohydrates and vitamins are essential for a possum’s health. Possums find this nectar in gashes of trees, they also get to the nectar by creating small insertions in trees with sharp teeth.
Fruits and pepper vines: These are a source of antioxidants, carbohydrate and vitamins riboflavin, thiamine and others that build the immune system and muscle power of possums. Whether the fruits have fallen from trees or are freshly picked from a nearby branch possums will find and eat them.
Carrion and garbage matter: These are foods eaten in desperate times. They are just a means to survive when food is scarce. Carrion will offer proteins and it can offer harmful parasites as well.
Here are some articles looking at if possums eat birds and kittens. Click the links to find out more.
What other animals eat squirrels?
Squirrels can come under attack from predatory animals. These tiny creatures aren’t as skilled at hunting as other animals can be. Squirrels are regularly a quick to hunt meat for carnivorous and omnivorous animals.
Foxes: Squirrels are preyed on by foxes. When squirrels are out in the open foraging for fruits and nuts, foxes pounce from camouflaged rests to make a meal of unsuspecting squirrels.
Hawks: Hawks spy on prey from their perches. When ready, they swoop in to snatch the prey while the preoccupied squirrel nibbles on their nuts and fruits.
Possums will prey on squirrels if the chance presents itself. The sharp thin teeth of possums will easily tear into the squirrel. Unless the squirrel quickly runs into its burrow it doesn’t really stand a chance against a possum. Squirrels may be fast but in combat, they are no match for a possum.
As omnivores, possums also love to eat plant sap nectar and fruits, this is an easier meal than a squirrel. Animals that squirrels should look out for include foxes and birds of prey
You likely won’t see possums out and about because they sleep during the day. This article looks at where they go during the day
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