Some people see raccoons as cute cuddly creatures, even as pets, others see them as pests. If you own or are concerned about birds you may be asking if raccoons eat birds. This article looks into it.
Raccoons do eat birds. These animals have a taste for both plants and animals. If the raccoon is too lazy to catch and eat a live bird it will eat baby birds or bird eggs. Bird eggs are rich in nutrients and will keep the racoon healthy.
If you are a bird watcher or a bird lover you may be interested to know, do racoons eat birds? Whether you are a racoon owner, a nature lover or are just curious wildlife enthusiasts this will be helpful to you
Racoons are interesting and intriguing creatures. They may not be a carbon copy of Rocket racoon from guardians of the galaxy, but they are clever. They are smart enough to unlock many things. Their mammalian brains are more developed than many animals
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Can racoons eat birds?
Yes, raccoons do indeed eat birds. A racoon’s diet consists of mostly meat. With 90% of what they eat being meat they have a high dependence on meat.
Yes, they are omnivores, they are capable of eating select plants and meats as part of their diet, but their reliance on meat dictates what nutrients they have, and how they live.
Racoons have impressive digestive systems which allow them to make the most of their surroundings, they have many food options. In the wild, they forage and hunt for food.
Meat is in high demand in the wild, raccoons aren’t really choosy on the source. Their meat sources range from insect meat and other animal meat as well. Even birds can become prey for raccoons. A hungry racoon doesn’t discriminate or care to be picky, it will settle for bird meat or even bird eggs if the birds aren’t accessible.
Unfortunately, birds aren’t very meaty, so raccoons will need a lot more than a few birds per day to fill it up. Birds are rich in protein, nutrients, fat, and vitamins, these are all good for a racoon’s growth.
Do raccoons eat birds eggs?
Raccoons do eat bird eggs. Racoons don’t mind stealing eggs from nests, in fact, they will benefit from the added vitamins such as selenium which is essential for them. If the mother bird catches the racoon it will fight back to keep her eggs safe. To get to the eggs, raccoons will use their paws to climb and grab the eggs they want.
To ensure that their offspring get to hatch before being snatched by raccoons, birds will fight back. Birds fight back at racoons using their sharp talons. The birds that raccoons will have to beware of are birds of prey like hawks and racoons. In some cases, these birds hunt raccoons and won’t hesitate to attack if they catch them trying to steal their eggs.
Pigeons eggs are generally camouflaged within the mess of their nests. Chicken eggs are racoons delight because they are big, numerous and are rich in selenium.
Pet birds and egg are generally kept in cages with latches and smaller entrances that raccoons can’t get into. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work, racoons are good at picking locks and unhinging latches.
Sometimes these animals will just to stick their highly sensitive paws in feeling for food. Because of this, bird pet owners and lovers need to be aware and to take extra care when racoons are near.
What else do raccoons eat?
Racoons are omnivores so besides eating birds, poaching eggs, grabbing insects, and catching fish they also forage for fruits and eat vegetables as well.
Their highly tactile sensitive paws are lighting quick. They can pull crayfish from water bodies and often do so. They pluck insects from their hiding places and forage for fallen berries, cherries, acorns, and nuts offer plant matter.
Raccoons are nocturnal creatures, they are up at night searching for food. Sometimes wild raccoons can even invite themselves into your homes and kitchen to grab a quick bite in the night.
Here are some articles looking at if raccoons eat snakes, chocolate and fish. Click the links to find out more
Is it bad to have raccoons in your yard?
There are advantages and disadvantages to having racoons in your yard. The choice is really a personal one. The ASPCA advises that racoons are zoonotic which means they contract, host and can transmit a wide range of diseases.
Raccoons are also known to eat pests such as snakes and black widow spiders among others, which could harm humans so having them around can be a safeguard. Then again they can rummage through your trash and can make a mess, which is not desirable.
These animals sleep in hideaways during the day (read more here), you likely won’t even see them
How do you keep raccoons away naturally?
Racoons are opportunistic creatures. Where there is no opportunity for them to invade or feed, they naturally retreat. Some have said that fox urine is a good deterrent but that’s not exactly factually proven.
To keep them from coming onto your property you need to ensure there are no openings that raccoons can get into. Also, make sure that there are no gaps where they can call home.
Birds are beautiful creatures who can and do fall prey to racoons. Racoons have a sweet tooth for birds and their eggs as they are rich in essential nutritious selenium. As opportunistic omnivores, they don’t discriminate meals. Racoons can make for great safeguarding pets as well as wild garbage vandals.
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