Raccoons are loved by some and hated by others. These animals are seen as cute and cuddly pets or nuisances that rummage through the trash.
These animals can do damage to your plants, but can raccoons be helpful and eat pesky insects in your garden and around your home? Do raccoons eat insects? This article looks into it
Raccoons do eat insects, insects make up a large part of the raccoon diet in the wild. Insects are also eaten by suburban raccoons. This food offers raccoons a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as good amounts of protein. Insects are also relatively easy for raccoons to catch
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Do raccoons eat insects?
Raccoons have a variety of food options available to them, this is because these animals are omnivores, they eat both plant and animal matter.
Eating both plant and animal matter ensures that these animals always have food available to them. Foods that make up a raccoons diet include eggs, fish, fruits, vegetables, food from the garbage, and even insects
Health benefits of raccoons eating insects
Insects are a great source of food for raccoons because they are packed with protein and offer the mammal a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Humans (those that eat insects) generally stick to a couple of edible insects. Raccoons eat more insect varieties than humans do.
Insects not only offer raccoons protein, but they also offer the animal fiber, iron, zinc, essential amino acids, omega 3 fatty acids, omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin b12, and antioxidants.
Protein is also present in the insects that raccoons eat, in fact, insects can offer more protein than animal meats can.
It is said that there are between 9.96 – 35.2 grams of protein per 100 grams of insects. This is higher than the protein offered by meat which is between 16.8 – 20.6 grams of protein per 100 grams.
Finding and catching certain insects is very easy for raccoons, these animals are much larger and faster than many insects. They also have sharp claws on their quick paws which help them quickly grab and crush insects, subduing them quickly.
What type of insects do raccoons eat?
These animals are not fussy about what foods they eat and they are not too fussy about what types of insects they eat either. Raccoons will eat any insect that is available to them. The easier an insect is to catch the more likely a raccoon will catch and eat it.
Insects that raccoons eat include:
This is a favorite insect for raccoons. Worms are easy to catch because they are slow-moving. Raccoons simply need to dig in the soil, grab the worm and eat it. Raccoons also love that these insects are juicy and plump
If raccoons have to, they will eat roaches, unlike worms, this insect is not juicy and plump but it will suffice if the raccoon is hungry for a meal. Roaches will still deliver a variety of vitamins and minerals to the raccoon’s body
Other insects:
Other insects that raccoons will enjoy include mealworms, gut-loaded crickets, praying mantis, hornets, ladybugs, dragonflies, and other invertebrates.
What is a raccoon’s favorite thing to eat?
In the wild, and in urban areas, raccoons live off of what is available to them.
That being said, just because raccoons have access to certain foods doesn’t mean that these animals do not have a preference for other foods. Raccoons have a preference for nuts and fruits
Fruits are not only delicious to humans, they are delicious to raccoons too. Raccoons enjoy the sweet and juicy texture of fruits.
Fruits are also loved because they are easy to access in the wild. You’ll usually see raccoons helping themselves to your fruit trees in suburbs, this happens when your fruits are ready in the summer
Late summer and early winter is when nuts can be eaten by raccoons. Raccoons need to put on added weight to keep them warm in winter. Thus, they will seek out nuts like acorns, walnuts, beechnuts, and similar nuts before winter.
Other foods that raccoons enjoy include crops such as corn and grains. If you own a farm you may have noticed raccoons raiding your cornfield.
In conclusion, yes raccoons do eat insects.
Insects are good for raccoons as they can deliver a variety of vitamins and minerals into the animal’s body. They can also deliver protein which is an essential mineral for all animals.
Insects that raccoons eat include worms, roaches, mealworms, gut-loaded crickets, praying mantis, hornets, ladybugs, dragonflies, and other invertebrates
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