Do Raccoons Eat Turkeys? How Raccoons Hunt These Birds

Turkeys are fun birds to raise, while this is true, keeping them safe is a job in itself. Turkeys cannot defend themselves very well, this makes them prey to a variety of animals, raising these animals with no protection around them can be disastrous.

Almost any predator will attack and kill a turkey. So how about raccoons? Do raccoons eat turkeys? This article looks into it

Raccoons do eat turkeys, raccoons are dangerous predators to turkeys. Raccoons find catching turkeys relatively easily and their strong and sharp claws quickly and easily subdue the bird. 

Do raccoons eat turkeys?

Raccoons can be both predator and prey, they will succumb to large predators when they are overpowered and eat prey animals when they can. They are omnivores and will eat both plant and animal matter.

Raccoons can definitely eat turkeys 

How raccoons hunt turkeys:

Raccoons have no problem hunting, catching, and killing turkeys. Turkeys are easy prey overall, raccoons easily chase them down and use their strong, sharp claws and teeth to subdue these birds. Both adult and hatchling turkeys are no match for raccoons. 

These birds are most vulnerable during the hunting season, during this time, these birds need to incubate their eggs and can’t fly, raccoons use this to their advantage.

These mammals are lazy and will take easy prey if available, turkeys incubating their eggs are easy prey. The incubating bird will try to defend herself and her eggs against the raccoon attack but it will easily be overpowered by the raccoon

Raccoons have a great sense of smell, they can quickly and easily smell when a turkey is in the area. Rain makes these birds an even bigger target for raccoons. A wet turkey is easier for predators like raccoons to smell and find. 

That being said, if there aren’t too many turkeys in an area, raccoons will happily eat something else.

Because raccoons are omnivores, and opportunistic feeders, they have no problem eating other foods such as seeds, nuts, frogs, crayfish, eggs, other birds, various fruits and vegetables, and foods from the garbage. These animals will eat what that is available to them. 

Health benefits of raccoons eating turkeys:

Turkey is a delicious and juicy food for raccoons, not only this, but turkey can offer a variety of nutrients to the mammal. One of the major nutrients that turkey can offer raccoons is protein.

Animal proteins are complete proteins, many plant proteins are incomplete proteins. Raccoons need complete proteins, this nutrient is essential for good raccoon health 

Other vitamins and minerals that raccoons get from eating turkey include omega 3, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, choline, zinc, selenium, and niacin. Darker meat turkey usually contains more vitamins and minerals than white meat turkey

Do raccoons hurt the turkey population? 

Raccoons will definitely hurt the turkey population.

Not only do raccoons eat full-grown adult turkeys, they also eat turkey eggs and turkey hatchlings. This will devastate the population, making sure that there are no turkeys left to lay eggs and no eggs left to hatch.

It is said that around 40 – 60% of turkey nests will be eaten before the hatchlings even get a chance to hatch. 

Even if the birds do manage to hatch, their best natural defense, flying, only kicks in at 10 days old, birds that are younger than this are very vulnerable to being caught and eaten by raccoons 

What is a turkeys biggest predator? 

Raccoons and possums are a turkey’s biggest predators, these smaller predators are more significant predators to turkeys than larger animals such as coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. Other smaller predators that readily attack turkeys include snakes and skunks 

Because turkeys have such a variety of animals that will happily feed on them, they are very wary, they are one of the wariest game species. This cautiousness has helped many of them survive in the wild long enough to reproduce. 

One way that turkeys try to keep themselves safe is by hiding themselves in dense vegetation near the ground. This reduces their chances of being preyed on by raccoons and other animals.

Flying also helps these birds escape, still, if a predator catches them, they will undoubtedly become food 


In conclusion, yes, raccoons definitely eat turkey, in fact, raccoons are a major turkey predator along with possums.

Turkey can deliver protein to raccoons as well as vitamins and minerals such as omega 3, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, choline, zinc, selenium, and niacin. to the animal.

Turkeys are easy prey for raccoons, their natural defenses are weak and raccoons easily subdue them with their strong, sharp claws and teeth

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Do Raccoons Eat Turkeys? How Raccoons Hunt These Birds
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