Newly Hatched Chick Not Moving (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

Hatching baby chicks can be a bit of a nerve-racking experience.

Waiting to see if the baby birds finally hatch, and come out healthy, can take way longer than you expect, and if the bird hatches, but is not moving, you’d understandably be worried.

This article looks into why your newly hatched chick is not moving.

Newly hatched chick not moving:

Chicks take a considerable amount of time to develop in their shells and they can also take a considerable amount of time to hatch.

Some birds will come out and start walking after hatching but some birds won’t.. Here is what you need to know about this:

The bird needs to rest:

If your newly hatched bird is not moving then the simplest reason, and the most likely reason, for this is that the bird is simply tired and needs to rest

It may not seem like much to us humans, but a chick hatching out of its shell can be a very tiresome process. The bird slowly hatches and needs to take breaks before it can finally hatch all the way through

This takes a lot of energy out of the bird which is already very small and weak. So if your bird is not moving after hatching then this simply means that the bird is tired and is sitting still to regain its energy after hatching.

What to do:

This is not unnatural, all your birds may not be weak or tired after hatching, but some birds may be. This is not unnatural or something to worry about.

You can leave the bird alone and let the bird regain some of its energy and recuperate after such a long and strenuous hatching process.

The other birds may start to peck at the unmoving bird out of curiosity, so, you’d want to move the unmoving bird to somewhere isolated or create a barrier between this bird and the other birds.

You can help to quickly get some energy into your bird by feeding it a sugar water mixture. The ratio of this mixture is one gallon of water and one teaspoon of sugar, molasses, or honey.

The bird may not be strong enough to get up and drink this mixture so you may need to dip the bird’s beak into the water, your chick will drink once it has some water on its beak.

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Newly Hatched Chick Not Moving (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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