Getting rid of raccoons can be quite a struggle, you may know that you have a raccoon infestation, but you may not know where the raccoons are and how to catch and remove them.
Some say that homemade raccoon poisons work to get rid of these animals, but can you make raccoon poison with coke? This article looks into it
In theory, it is possible to make a raccoon poison using coke as one of the ingredients but this is unethical and inhumane. This mixture will cause the animal to die a slow, painful and inhumane death.
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Can you make raccoon poison with coke?
Coke can be used to make a homemade raccoon poison but making this is not only unethical and cruel but it may be against the law in some US jurisdictions.
This mixture only needs two ingredients, Coca-Cola and fly bait, you can alternatively use Coca-Cola and an insecticide. The active ingredient in this mixture is methomyl.
Once mixed and laid out, raccoons will smell and be attracted to this sweet-smelling mixture, drink it down, and be poisoned.
Poisoning this animal, or any other animal for that matter, with this mixture, is not only a bad idea, it is also inhumane and leads to a slow painful death of the animal
Thankfully, this method of getting rid of raccoons is not accessible to everyone. Some states have restrictions around who can buy products that contain methomyl.
Products with this active ingredient also have warning labels to try to curb misuse and curb people using methomyl products against nuisance wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, and skunks
Why using it is a bad idea:
You’ll be left with a rotting carcass:
Killing a raccoon will leave you with a horribly strong-smelling rotting raccoon carcass regardless of how you kill it.
This is why you shouldn’t kill a raccoon, you should rather find a way to catch and release these animals, you’d need to release them far from your home.
Poisoning doesn’t always happen instantly, if the animal senses that it is going to die, then the animal will pick a safe and isolated place to die.
This makes this animal harder to find, you may have to wait until the odor created by the carcass is strong enough to lead you to the animal. A carcass at this level of decay can be more difficult to remove and clean
Other animals may be affected:
Not only can this mixture attract and kill raccoons in your area, but they can also attract and kill other critters in your area as well.
Coca-Cola is attractive to many different animals. Animals that are attracted to the sweet smell of the coke will drink this mixture and die just as raccoons will.
If the drink is left outside, it may attract and poison squirrels, birds, insects, rats, mice, family pets, and a variety of other animals
Will antifreeze kill raccoons?
Yes, antifreeze will kill raccoons. Many brands of antifreeze are made up of a large portion (usually 95%) of ethylene glycol.
Ethylene glycol is toxic to all types of animals, including raccoons and including humans.
How to get rid of raccoons:
The best way to get rid of raccoons is to contact your local wildlife professionals, these professionals are trained and well informed on how to find and get rid of raccoons safely and effectively.
If you cannot get pest control to get rid of your raccoon problem you may have to trap the raccoon yourself.
Raccoon bait needs to be left in the trap in order to attract raccoons. The trap’s door will shut once the raccoon enters
Can you shoot raccoons on your property?
Whether or not you can shoot and kill a raccoon depends on where you live and in some cases, if you have a license.
Raccoon shooting laws can differ from county to county and thus, you would need to investigate whether shooting these animals is allowed where you are
If you can shoot the animal in your area, and you miss, you can wind up with bulletholes on your property as well as neighbors complaining about the noise.
If you do manage to shoot the animal, you can wind up with blood splatter all over your property. If the shot you take is not fatal you can wind up with a raccoon slowly dying in pain.
In conclusion, yes, it is possible to make a raccoon poison with coke as one of the ingredients but this is not recommended. This mixture will cause the animal to die a slow, painful and inhumane death.
A better way to get rid of raccoons is to trap them and release them, or better yet, contact pest control to get rid of them.
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