Feeding a baby possum can be a complicated ordeal, these animals have specialized needs, they can’t just be given anything. Baby possums cannot digest solid foods so they must be given liquid foods before their bodies develop the ability to digest solid foods.
So, what do baby possums drink? This article looks into it
Baby possums are only able to digest liquids, they drink their mother’s milk, kitten and puppy formula, or formula made for possums, this is their food source before they can eat solid foods. They are also able to drink water
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What do baby possums drink?
The best formula to give these animals is a formula specifically designed for baby possums or marsupials. There are a few formulas that have been designed specifically for baby possums, or marsupials.
Specific brands of possum, or marsupial, formulas on the market include Di-Vetelact, Wombaroo Possum Milk, and Biolac M100
When feeding baby possums a possum milk formula, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to a T
Other foods that are usually given to baby possums, such as cat and dog formula, will usually lack key ingredients needed by baby possums to be healthy, grow and thrive. However, if this is the only feed available, it will do.
Formulas like KMR, pedialyte, or Esbilac can be given to possums. If you’re feeding these formulas to baby possums, remember to not add any vitamins, adding vitamins can cause the baby possum to suffer from vitamin toxicity.
Formula can be given to baby possums through an eyedropper or a syringe. Specialist possum formulae can be purchased directly from manufacturers, from certain vet clinics, and from certain pet shops.
Mothers milk:
When possums are born they are not well equipped to find their own food, this is why they have to latch onto their mother in order to get nourishment. The mother possum acts as a placenta, the babies are kept in the pouch and are still growing while in the pouch
The milk that the mother possum makes for her babies is very different from formula or cow’s milk, it delivers exactly what the baby needs in order to grow well.
In addition, the milk that the mother offers her babies is given by her teat. Possums do not suckle on the mother’s teat but rather, the mouths of the babies are attached to the teat on her pouch and can only be cut off by a vet.
Baby possums cannot be given cow’s milk or goat’s milk as these can give the baby diarrhea, slow their growth, and can even kill the baby. Cow and goat milk is much stronger than possum milk and stronger than the formula that has been designed for baby possums.
All animals need water, possums included. If a possum drinks milk from its mother, or formula, it still needs to drink water.
Water can be given by a syringe or can be offered to the animal in a shallow dish for them to lap up, lapping up water can be done by older baby possums.
Baby possums will only be able to eat solid foods when they are able to scavenge on their own and digest solid foods, this can happen 80 days after being born. They’re big enough to leave the pouch and eat anything and everything after the 80 days.
Note: It was important to make sure that the baby possum is warm and hydrated before they can eat or drink. You can warm the animal up by placing it against your body and sharing your body heat with it, or by using a hot water bottle on it.
Do not use a heating pad to warm the baby up, it gets too hot. If the babies body temperature isn’t brought back up it will not be able to digest food
How long can a possum survive without its mother?
Baby possums are not self-sufficient, these animals need to be fed, warmed, and toileted by their mothers. The term toileted refers to the process where the mother helps the animal urinate and defecate.
One of the main causes of baby possum death is hypothermia, hypothermia kills more baby possums than starvation. If the baby possum is separated from his mother, and is cold, it will only survive for 2 to 3 days
What do possums drink?
Adult possums can drink almost anything. They are opportunistic feeders meaning that they will eat almost anything, it also means they will drink anything that they can. These animals will benefit from having fresh water daily, in fact, they need fresh water daily.
If you’re taking care of an adult possum, make sure that it has access to a steady supply of water in a heavy and wide base container. Giving them water in these types of containers ensures that the container doesn’t fall over
Note: If you’re feeling a pet possum water, and you leave it in an outside dish, this may attract other animals like raccoons, birds, and insects. If you can, keep your possum’s water containers inside
Possums will lap up water from any available water source, they will find water in groundwater, in lakes, in creeks, in forested areas that offer more reliable water sources, and they may even find water in openings of trees.
Also, these animals usually live close to water in order to have access to it.
Avoid giving possums any sugary drinks like sodas and other liquids that contain sugar. These animals should also not be given lactose-based drinks like milk, the possum’s body is not able to tolerate it
In conclusion, baby possums will be able to drink baby possum formula, the milk offered by their mothers, as well as water.
Baby possums aren’t able to digest solid foods, they can only drink. They drink their meals and drink to quench their thirst.
Adult possums are able to drink anything but sugary drinks should not be given to them
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