Humans and birds have been sharing living spaces for hundreds of years. We have used birds during wartimes, to transport messages, to eat, as pets and more. We as humans generally interact with birds with interest and curiosity, many of us go bird watching as a hobby. But what do birds think of humans? If you’re a bird enthusiast, bird lover or simply curious this article is for you
Birds in general see humans as predators. We are much larger than the average bird and even if unintended we can cause some serious harm to these little animals. Generally, when a wild bird sees a human it’s first instinct is to run away, birds don’t have the luxury of being curious about us.
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What do birds think of humans?
For most folks, this question might come off as something funny. But in truth, birds do think, and we are part of what they think about – since we live in the same environment.
Birds don’t naturally think of humans as friends but as predators. When a bird sees an unfamiliar human, the first thought that goes through its brain is to fly away. You might look friendly to fellow humans, but in the eyes of a bird, you are someone it shouldn’t trust. Even large birds like eagles, vultures, owls, and hawks think of humans as a threat to their existence.
However, it is also possible for birds to think of a particular human as friendly and caring. But something like that doesn’t happen overnight. The human must have done many good deeds to gain the trust of the bird.
Do birds recognize humans?
Several studies have shown that birds can recognize humans. Some people have shared stories of how a bird attacked them for something they did in the past. One story has to do with an avian scientist who had been invading the bird’s nest for days for a research project.
On the day the bird dive-bombed her head, she wasn’t even going close to its nest. The bird completely ignored passersby and came at her. So if you think birds are unintelligent creatures with no ability to recognize humans, it’s time to think again
Do birds miss their owners?
There is no scientific explanation to show that birds have emotions. However, that’s not to say these creatures are completely devoid of feelings. Most birds that share a special bond with their owners will most certainly miss them when they are not around.
As we earlier mentioned, it takes some time for these creatures to trust humans. They recognize human faces and can tell if you are the one who’s been feeding them or not. You might find it hard to believe that birds miss their owner, but they sure do.
Why do birds stare at me?
A bird will most likely stare at you intently if it sees you as a threat. If you move away and take your eyes off the bird, it will resume whatever it was doing before you came into the picture.
When around humans and other perceived predators, birds like to be extra vigilant. They suspect that if they take their eyes off you for even a second, you might pounce on them. So they keep staring at you until you lose interest and walk away.
How do you tell if your bird loves you?
Science may not have provided us with proof that birds have feelings and emotions. But there are clear signs that show a bird loves you. If you have a pet bird, always look out for the following signs:
- Wing flapping
- Shaking their tail feathers
- Hanging upside down
- Chattering at you
- Climbing around your body or playing with you.
When a bird performs any of the actions mentioned above, it tells you that it loves you and is happy to see you.
In conclusion, birds generally see humans as predators. Compared to these little animals we are large and scary, able to pounce and attack them at any time, thus they fly away when they see us.
If a bird has become familiar with you it will learn to trust you. Birds can recognise faces and can even miss their owners. A bird will stare at you if it sees you as a threat and will act excited if it’s happy to see you.
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