What Fruit Do Squirrels Eat? (10 Excellent Fruits For Squirrels)

Animals eat to live, unlike humans, animals eat not for the enjoyment of eating, but rather to sustain life. Squirrels, just like any other animal, need to eat a balanced diet that incorporates all the nutrients and minerals that the animal needs.

If you’re raising a squirrel, or are thinking of feeding these animals in parks, you may ask yourself what foods do squirrels eat? and more specifically, what fruit do squirrels eat? This article explores this question 

Squirrels eat a variety of fruits including apples, cantaloupe, kiwi, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon, peaches, strawberries, lemon and raspberries to name a few. As a pet owner, you can feed your squirrels fruit, but this should be limited to two slices of fruit a day.

What fruit do squirrels eat?

Squirrels are omnivores meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. Many of us know these animals to eat foods such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, fungus and small animals.

These animals will practically eat anything that is offered to them, they are not picky eaters. Squirrels are also very fond of eating fruits, fruits give the animal energy allowing them to forage for goodies and scramble around.

Here are some fruits that squirrels will love:

Apples: Apples are eaten by both humans and squirrels, this fruit is high in vitamin C and potassium and is also a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin K, manganese and copper.

Vitamin C is an immune-boosting vitamin that will ensure that squirrels maintain good health.

Cantaloupe: Cantaloupe is loaded with vitamins that can benefit squirrels. Cantaloupe contains vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin K and copper to name a few. 

Kiwi: This is another fruit that is high in vitamin C, the immune-boosting effects of vitamin C enable squirrels to fight off illnesses. This fruit also contains antioxidants that keep the animal protected against free radicals.

Pineapple: This fruit contains calcium, vitamin K, phosphorous and zinc. Calcium is a bone-forming mineral. Strong bones enable squirrels to jump and leap all day and avoid being idle. 

Pomegranate: This fruit contains high levels of antioxidants. Pomegranates contain more than 3 times the amount of antioxidants contained in wine and green tea, wine and green tea are known to be very antioxidant-rich. Antioxidants keep squirrels protected against free radicals.

Other fruits that squirrels can eat include: watermelon, peaches, raspberries, strawberries and lemons to name a few 

Note: Because squirrels are much smaller than us, they can only eat fruit in small quantities, 2 slices of fruit a day is enough for a squirrel.

Fruits contain high amounts of sugar, and even though the sugar in fruit is better than sugar in man-made foods, too much will not be good for the squirrel. Their bodies are not designed to handle all this sugar.

In addition, when feeding squirrels, avoid giving these animals dried fruits such as raisins, plums, prunes and figs. 

Warning: The flesh of fruits may be good for the animal but the pits and seeds is some fruit can be toxic, remove seeds before serving fruits to squirrels. 

What vegetables do squirrels eat?

The bulk of a squirrel diet is plant matter, plant matter includes vegetables. Vegetables are a great way to get nutrients into a squirrel’s body.

Eating a variety of vegetables will ensure that these animals have a well-rounded diet that contains all the nutrients that they need.

Vegetables that squirrels enjoy include squash, broccoli, mushrooms, corn, spinach, lettuce, beets, tomatoes, beans, cauliflower, peas, eggplant and carrots to name a few. 

What is the best food for wild squirrels?

Squirrels will eat almost anything but the best diet for this animal is what they naturally eat in the wild namely fruits, nuts, plant matter, fungus, vegetables, insects, snakes, bird eggs and small animals.

Eating these foods will ensure the animal gets the right balance of nutrients.

If you’re looking to feed the occasional wild squirrel avoid feeding these animals pet food, sugary treats, popcorn, cellulose-based products, junk food, dairy products, sugary cereals or bread 


In conclusion, squirrels can eat a variety of fruits including apples, cantaloupe, kiwi, pineapple, pomegranate, watermelon, peaches, strawberries, lemon and raspberries to name a few.

The typical squirrel diet includes fruits, vegetables, small animals, nuts, seeds and fungus.

Avoid feeding these animals pet food, sugary treats, popcorn, cellulose-based products, junk food, dairy products, sugary cereals or bread.

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What Fruit Do Squirrels Eat? (10 Excellent Fruits For Squirrels)
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