When Do Raccoons Come Out? (+Will It Attack You When Out?)

Raccoons aren’t filling the streets coming into contact with humans on a regular basis, but they have to come out sometime. So, when do raccoons come out?

Raccoons come out when it gets dark. They are nocturnal animals so you can expect to see them a couple of hours after the sunsets. They will be out scavenging for food during the night. Raccoons have excellent hearing and can also see at night. These traits help them scavenge and to see predators.

When do raccoons come out?

The raccoon is a nocturnal animal. That means it is mainly active at night. This is the perfect time for them to scavenge for food. Raccoons will generally come out when the sun sets after dark.

These animals can see in the dark and their hearing also helps them navigate in the dark as well. They use their night vision and excellent hearing to scavenge for food and to avoid predators.

Some adolescent raccoons who have not yet adopted behavior typical of an adult raccoon will be out in full display during the day. The adolescent raccoon is experiencing life in a wonderous way typical of any teenager.

Why would a raccoon be out during the day?

The raccoon is an opportunist. It will take any good chance for food. If the best time happens to be during the day. That is when you will find them. Hanging around sources of food such as trash bins if you live in the inner city.

There is a belief that you will only spot a sick raccoon out during the daylight hours. There is some truth to that.

If you see a raccoon during the daylight then it may be sick. A sick raccoon may wander almost in a drunken state. 

It will appear not to be aware of its surroundings. It will be unbothered by noise and lose its natural fear of humans. Appearing calm and tame around humans is an indicator that the rabies virus has taken its toll on the critter.

Do raccoons come out when it’s cold?

Raccoons are mainly active during the warm seasons.

They will spend most of their time eating more before the colder months to store up fat in their bodies. This is a survival instinct. Especially if the weather becomes too severe to go scrounging for food.

Raccoons do not hibernate in the way bears or other animals will. They enter a state called ‘torpor’. Resting to preserve their body’s resources in between long periods of feeding, if the weather is not too cold. But in general, they are less active in winter.

What to do if you see a raccoon

Chances are you have seen a raccoon where you live.

They can thrive in just about any environment. If you spot one it is best to leave it be. Avoid the tendency to be curious and approach one. The chances of it passing a disease or parasite are high.

Raccoons keep to themselves. If you find it is becoming destructive to you and your property there are pest management services, you can call.

Will raccoons attack you?

Since raccoons have been living in urban environments there have become used to humans. Still, they will typically not bother you.

A raccoon might hiss at you if you get too close. It can also become violent if cornered. But they will usually run away if they feel threatened. If you are trying to scare one away leave it an escape path.

What percentage of raccoons carry rabies?

A recent surveillance study done by the CDC in North America has shown that 90 percent of the rabies cases reported are from wildlife. Of that, 30 percent were from raccoons. All animals have the potential to be a carrier of this virus.

Resist the urge to approach wild animals no matter how cute and docile they seem. One woman decided to adopt a baby raccoon she found assuming it had been abandoned. 20 of her friends that she came into contact with since had to be treated for the rabies virus because of the health risk.

Raccoons are a rabies vector species that means they have a high rate of carrying and transmuting the rabies virus to humans or other creatures.

Since they are high carriers for this virus one would think that it’s naturally in their blood. Raccoons are not born with the virus.

It can be transmitted through the mother by way of bodily fluid when she is grooming her kits, or from encountering other creatures that carry it.

How do you keep raccoons away?

If you are a typical homeowner and have seen more and more raccoons in and around your property there are ways to keep them from causing destruction.

Firstly, make it so their food source is not easily accessible. Take steps to secure lids on garbage bins. To be completely safe and to pose less of a health risk to yourself & others you encounter let a professional deal with it.

There are pest control services that have the right tools and training to deal with them.

If you must take matters into your own hands it is advised to wear thick clothing and gloves to protect yourself if any scratching and biting were to occur.

There are bait traps, sprays, and homemade repellents that people have sworn by to help keep these critters at bay.


Not all activity happens during the day. Some creatures thrive in night. Scrounging for food and scattering seeds as they pass. Raccoons might be nature-lovers, nature-lover. And a pest to a homeowner.

These critters are cute in their ways. Especially as a baby. Some people have gone as far as keeping them for pets. If you find one in the wild leave it be and keeps yourself safe from any potential disease it might carry.

Nature has a way of keeping itself in check. Raccoons are another creature that naturally plays a role in doing that.

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When Do Raccoons Come Out? (+Will It Attack You When Out?)
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