Why Did My Turtle Only Lay One Egg? (1 Reason Why + How To Help)

When one imagines a turtle nest with eggs one imagines a nest with a number of eggs in it, not just one egg. So, if you’ve realized that your pet turtle only laid one egg then you may be confused.

This article is a look into why your pet turtle only laid one egg

Why did my turtle only lay one egg?

If all turtles only laid one egg at a time then the population of turtles would be much lower than it is now. So, you understandably wonder why your pet only laid one egg.

Here is why your pet turtle only laid one egg:

New layer:

If this is the first time that your pet turtle is laying eggs don’t be surprised at this.

The average clutch size of a turtle laying for the first time is 1 to 3 eggs, so the single egg that you’re seeing from your pet turtle is perfectly normal.

These first-time layers only lay one egg because they only have one egg in them.

The female will produce more eggs the older she gets. A small clutch of eggs is usually about 50 eggs and an average clutch is around 50 – 180 eggs.

Your first-time layer turtle will likely also exhibit other rookie behaviors, like laying eggs in water, laying eggs on the surface of the ground not in a hole, and laying odd-sized or odd-shaped eggs.

What to do:

You don’t have to be concerned if this is happening, as long as your pet is eating, pooping, and acting normally overall then your pet should be fine

Your pet turtle should have another clutch of eggs brewing so you don’t have to worry that the animal only laid one egg this go around.

Keep an eye on the next clutch of eggs. The second batch is usually laid about 17-21 days after the first.

Allow your pet to try again, hopefully, the second clutch of eggs will be better than the first

Make sure that your pet turtle feels comfortable and happy to lay her next clutch by providing sufficient calcium in her diet.

Also, give her enough soil, in a big enough bin (at least 4-6 inches deep, that she can dig in and lay her eggs in. This will stimulate her laying instinct

The sand should also be moist enough that it can hold the tunnel that your pet digs, but it should not be soaking wet.

If your pet doesn’t feel comfortable laying her eggs then this may lead to egg binding which can be quite dangerous to the animal.

Why Did My Turtle Only Lay One Egg? (1 Reason Why + How To Help)
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