Why do birds land on your head?

Birds and humans have been living amongst each other for hundreds of years. And over these years humans have had pretty bizarre interactions with birds. Some have become so comfortable with living among us that they invade our personal space by grabbing our food, attacking us, swooping very close to our ears and landing on our heads. So why do birds do this? Why do birds land on your head? 

One explanation as to why birds land on your head is that they needed a place to stop and rest and your head is simply where they chose to land. It may also land on your head if you’re trespassing in their territory, this also comes with squawking and flapping of wings.

Why do birds land on your head?

There are several rational and even symbolic explanations as to why birds land on your head

The most simple being: your head was in the wrong place at the right stooping time. Most birds can’t sustain flight inevitably. They need to stop at some point. Incidentally, you may be in the vicinity when they need a quick wing break.

Another reason is that your head looks like an attractive spot. This reasoning may sound a bit out there but don’t write it off so readily. Birds have an affinity for fur and warm nesting. There are numerous records of birds grabbing beak-fulls of fur to line their nests. If you’re styling a shaggy hair-do it may be attractive to some birds as a nesting supply or a comfy perch.

Yet another, albeit more unwelcomed reason is that it’s a defence reaction. You may have trespassed on their territory and their reaction is to shoo you away from their nests and young. This is unwelcomed as its often accompanied by a bit of fluttery wings, squawking, claws and talon action to your discomfort.

From native Indian folklore, and a more symbolic reason, is that birds land on your head because they’ve judged you to be a kindred free spirit of sorts.

Why does my bird love my hair?

Your bird may love being in your hair as a form of bonding. Birds that have been raised or tamed by humans occasionally show their affection by landing on your head. Affectionate birds commonly roost in, hang on or stomp around in your hair.

It’s customary for birds to repeat behaviours that it has received rewards for in the past. So, if you’ve been giving treats while your birds been lounging in your hair, chances are it will keep repeating the behaviour in hopes of getting more treats.

Why do birds rub their beaks on you?

Occasionally a bird will nibble and lick on you with its beak and tiny tongue. Birds rub their beaks on you as means of collecting new and more detailed information about you and its surroundings. There are a myriad of nerve ends on the tongues of birds that provide sensory information on texture, firmness of an item, warmth, taste, and such. Rubbing their beaks on you with the occasional nibble and lick is an informational reconnaissance method of birds.

How do you tell if your bird is bonded to you?

Rubbing their beak on you is a sure sign of a bird bonding with you. But that’s not the only sign. A bird that is bonded with you will generally seek to be close to you. From perching on your head, preening your hair, snuggling you, to just stooping on your shoulder to keep close. Bonded birds will mimic you and show excited behaviours when you’re around.

Can playing with birds make you sick

There are several diseases that can be transmitted from birds to humans. In general, these diseases are called zoonotic diseases. These range from fungal and respiratory infections to avian tuberculosis. Because of this, it’s best to maintain proper hygiene etiquette when handling birds.


In conclusion, a bird may land on your head because it needs to find a place to take a break from flying, your soft hair is where the bird may decide to rest. Also, if you are trespassing in the bird’s territory or approaching its offspring then it may land on your head as well as flap its wings and squawk at you.

The bird may also lick you, nibble on you or play in your hair to show affection, this can also show that it is bonded to you. You need to maintain good hygiene when dealing with birds as they can make you sick 

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Why do birds land on your head?
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