Why Do Pigeons Make Noise When They Fly? (Why They Coo + FAQ’s)

If you’ve heard pigeons flying off in a hurry then you may have heard them make a sound. So why do pigeons make noise when they fly?

The sound pigeons make when they fly is created by two wings vibrating together as they take flight. This sound can be louder and more piercing if the bird flies off faster. The reason birds make this whistling sound is to warn birds around them against predators.

The longer pigeons live among us the more we notice about them. If you live in an area filled with pigeons you’ve probably heard the sounds they make as they go about their everyday business. One of the things that may pique your interest is the sound they make as they fly off.

Pigeons make noises for all types of reasons. They make noise to communicate and they make noise when they fly.

This article looks at why these tiny feathered creatures make noise when they fly. Whether you’re an avid bird watcher, bird lover, vet or are simply curious as to why these animals make this sound this article is for you.

Why do pigeons make noise when they fly?

The sound of a pigeon flying or taking flight in a hurry sounds like whistling.

Pigeons have two feathers that create this sound. Each feather is found on each wing and these feathers are much narrower than the other feathers on their wings. When these two feathers vibrate as a result of ‘aeroelastic flutter’ they make a sound

Pigeons evolving to be able to make this sound is helpful to the group. When pigeons fly off in a hurry and make this sound the birds in the area take notice and follow suit to get away from the predator.

The sound is more of a loud alarm than a simple whistle. In fact, a faster wing flap will make a more urgent sounding noise.  

This whistling phenomenon is very helpful to pigeons and is used by other birds like hummingbirds and peacocks. The whistling is caused by the same vibration of wings. The birds do have the capability of flying off quietly and many species do.

Why do pigeons make cooing noises?

Cooing is the sound that many of us know pigeons make. This is a low sound and they make it to communicate with each other and sometimes to humans, doves are also known to make this cooing sound.

One of the reasons that pigeons make this sound is to signal to potential mates that it is available. Once they find and partner with their mate they will make a cooing sound to show affection to their mate.

Cooing can also be another way to alert other pigeons around them that there is a predator in the area. The pigeons close by will hear this and be alerted. If the predator is a threat to the pigeons the group will coo at the threat to defend their space.

In addition, because these animals aren’t songbirds like others, they will make long cooing sounds and turn this into a song.


How to stop a pigeon from cooing?

The only way to stop pigeons from cooing is to keep the birds away from your property. These birds can coo all day, so keeping them away will keep you coo free.

Get rid of the birds by placing reflective surfaces all over your property, this will scare the birds away, so will using a predator decoy.

What will also keep them at bay is installing bird spikes, spraying them with a water hose, and using strong-smelling bird repellents.

How to scare pigeons with sound?

You can scare pigeons with sounds by installing ultrasonic bird repellents, making clapping, hissing, or predatory noises, and turning your radio on and putting the volume up to loud


In summary, the loud whistling sound that a pigeon makes as it takes flight is made to warn other birds in the area against predators.

The sound is created by two narrow feathers on each wing that vibrate to make this sound. This sound can become higher and louder if the bird flies faster.

When other birds in the area hear this they know to take flight.

Other sounds that birds make include cooing. Cooing helps birds communicate that they are single, it communicates affection to their mates, is an indication that there is a predator close by and can ward off a predator.

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Why Do Pigeons Make Noise When They Fly? (Why They Coo + FAQ’s)
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