Why Does My Budgie Keep Calling? (1 Reason Why + What To do)

If your budgie does something once, or if the bird does something only on occasion, then you likely won’t worry too much.

However, if your bird does something repeatedly, like calling repeatedly, then you may start to worry.

This article looks into why your budgie keeps calling

Why does my budgie keep calling?

Your budgie doesn’t have the wide vocabulary that you do, but, these birds understand each other all the same through chirps, screams, and calls.

Here is why your budgie may be calling all of the time:

Contact call:

Budgies can be quite insecure birds, they like knowing that members of their flock are close by.

They check for members of their flock by calling. Your bird may see you as a member of its flock.

These birds will call out as a way of connecting with you or with other members of their flock.

This calling sound is similar to the sound of a human whistling, it can sound quite odd when you hear it for the first time.

These birds are social birds, they do best when they have a companion. If they don’t have a companion they will get lonely and call out in hopes of finding one.

Your bird will also call out to you if it feels that you aren’t including it in your everyday activities.

What to do:

If your bird doesn’t have a companion to interact with then it will soon become depressed.

You can give the bird a friend to relieve its depression and loneliness, or, you can give the bird toys to entertain itself with.

Giving the bird toys is usually the better option as you may bring a new bird in, and the two birds may hate each other.

The toys that you give your bird need to be replaced regularly.

Budgies are quite intelligent and need mental stimulation. They will get bored of the toys after some time and will need more soon enough.

Another way of stimulating the bird would be to turn the TV or radio on and have the bird watch TV or listen to the radio.

The TV and radio will keep the bird busy for a while.

Your bird will stop calling out so often once it stops feeling lonely.

If you are around, you can reply to your bird’s contact call by making a contact call of your own.

This will let the bird know that it isn’t alone. You doing this will be reassuring to the bird.

What not to do:

If your bird is constantly calling out for attention avoid shouting at the bird to try to get it to stop,

Birds don’t understand that you disapprove of what they’re doing when you shout, they take you shouting at them as you calling back at them.

This exchange is fun for the bird and will only encourage it to keep calling out

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Why Does My Budgie Keep Calling? (1 Reason Why + What To do)
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