Why Does My Turtle Like The Filter? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

You as a turtle raiser will likely leave a lot of decorations in the tank to keep the animal entertained and occupied, but your pet may start to prefer odd things, like the filter

This article is a look into why your turtle may seem to like the filter so much.

Why does my turtle like the filter?

The filter in your pet’s tank is an important part of keeping your turtle’s tank water clean, it plays a big part in keeping your turtle alive and healthy.

But why does your turtle seem to gravitate to the filter so much? Here is why your turtle likes the filter:

It’s enjoyable:

Your turtle doesn’t know that its filter is meant to filter out water, it simply sees it as part of its environment, the flow of the water may be the reason why your pet likes the filter so much.

Tank filters circulate water to get rid of waste in the tank.

Your pet may like being around the filter because it likes the flow of water moving around the filter. Swimming around the filter may simply be fun for your pet.

In addition to the flow of water, your pet may simply like the bubbles that the filter makes

This is more common if you have a quiet filter, if your filter is loud then your pet will stay away and be scared of the filter

What to do:

This is quite normal and isn’t something to worry about or even think about. As long as your turtle is acting normally, as long as it is eating, pooping, moving, and acting normally overall then your pet is fine.

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Why Does My Turtle Like The Filter? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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