Why Is My Budgie Suddenly Scared Of Me (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

If you’re raising a pet bird you’d want the bird to feel comfortable, safe, and happy around you.

With this in mind, your pet budgie being scared of you will understandably be quite upsetting

This article looks into why your budgie would suddenly be scared of you.

Why is my budgie suddenly scared of me?

Budgies are known to be quite skittish when you first get them, but they soon warm up to you.

If you have a budgie who has already gotten used to you, but is now scared to be around you, then you’d understandably be worried

Here is why this may be happening with your bird:

The bird was left alone:

Budgies need constant reassurance that they are safe and that no one, and nothing, in their environment is a threat to them.

For this reason, if you’ve left the bird alone for too long then it may be fearful of you when you come back.

These birds hate change and you being gone for too long is a change that these birds don’t like.

What to do:

You can get your budgie used to you again by regularly spending time with it.

Spending time with it can be as simple as sitting in the same room as your bird and watching tv, or just talking to the bird.

Don’t try to rush the bird into trusting you again, let it take its time with this.

If you try to force yourself onto the bird then it may never trust you

You are being loud:

If you started off talking softly and normally to your bird, but you suddenly started being loud with it, then the budgie may start to become fearful of you.

These birds are afraid of a lot of things and can become fearful if you start shouting at them.

Loud noises and shouting make them feel as though they are in danger.

If you bring things that make loud noises, like a loud radio, around your budgie then the bird may also become fearful of you

What to do:

Avoid being loud around your bird, and, for good measure, avoid hovering over your budgie, this can be threatening to the bird.

Talk softly to the bird when you want to communicate with it, and, when you are around the bird, keep below the bird’s eyeline.

You can also feed the bird treats to get it to like you again.

The bird was mishandled:

Budgies have good memory, they will remember sounds, events, people, and things.

So, if you mishandle your budgie, or make the bird uncomfortable, then it will remember that you did this and may start to become afraid of you.

What to do:

Mishandling can be very traumatic for your budgie because you are so large compared to it.

You can try to win its trust back by spending time with it and giving it treats.

Move slowly when you are around and interacting with the bird and be gentle with it as well.

Doing all this may get the bird to start to trust you again but this may take the bird some time.

If your budgie is taking a while to get comfortable around you then consider stick training the bird.

Stick training involves coaching your budgie to jump and perch on a stick when you summon it instead of having the bird jump on your hand

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Why Is My Budgie Suddenly Scared Of Me (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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