We know birds to be very relaxed animals who don’t cause too much commotion, but unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, the bird may start flying around a lot and while it may seem as though this is happening at random it actually isn’t.
This article is a look into why your cockatiel is flying around so much
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Why is my cockatiel flying so much?
Your bird may be flying more than you expect it to but this isn’t always a bad thing, flying is in a bird’s nature, and below are a few reasons why the bird may seem like it is flying a whole lot:
The crazy frantic energetic flight done by your bird is called zoomies.
Birds who have zoomies will zoom from one area to another at top speed when they have the chance to. This is normal behavior and happens in your birds but also in other animals as well.
The more scientific name for this is FRAPS or frantic random activity periods, and as the name suggests, it happens when birds have a burst of energy that seems random, but it isn’t.
These random bursts of energy are usually triggered by something, this can be you opening your bird’s cage to let it out finally giving it the opportunity to fly out freely.
This can also happen if you’ve just come into the room, and the bird sees you, gets excited, and starts frantically flying around its cage.
What to do:
This is normal behavior for birds and is nothing to worry about, the birds just need to get the energy out of their bodies sometime.
Once the bird’s pent-up energy is used up the bird will settle down and relax.
As long as the bird doesn’t seem sick or as though it is in distress, the bird likely doesn’t have the energy to fly around if it is ill or is suffering from distress, and as long as the bird isn’t doing this because it feels threatened, then the bird will be fine.
The bird feels threatened:
It’s one thing for birds to fly around a lot but if the flying is accompanied by signs of fear or stress then the bird may be afraid of something in the area.
Cockatiels are very small birds and a variety of things can cause the bird to become stressed.
Cockatiel stressors can include other birds that the bird sees as a predator, wild animals, domestic animals, and people that it doesn’t know can also be the cause of all this flying.
If the bird feels threatened it will fly around its cage or fly around the room and this behavior will also be accompanied by rapid chirps while flying.
What to do:
Survey the area to see if there is anything that could be causing stress in your bird.
Once identified remove the stress and see if the bird calms down, you can also calm the bird down by talking softly to the bird the same way that you’d talk to a baby.
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