If you notice that your tortoise is starting to breathe oddly, if the animal starts panting, then you’re likely very worried about it.
This article looks into why your tortoise is panting.
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Why is my tortoise panting?
You don’t have to watch your pet for too long to notice it panting, this odd behavior will likely catch your eye quite quickly and have you wondering why the little animal does this.
Here is why your tortoise may be panting:
Normal breathing:
If your pet seems to be panting but isn’t showing any signs of distress, illness, or a change in behavior then your pet may simply be breathing normally.
These animals breathe with a muscular organ called a throat pouch, they have to use this because, unlike mammals, tortoises don’t have a diaphragm.
As a result, the animals will breathe like a bellows, their arms pump as they breathe and their throat moves along with it as air comes in and out of the animal’s body.
What to do:
As long as the animal isn’t showing any signs of illness, like raspy breathing, bubbles coming from the animal’s mouth, or discharge from the animal’s nose or mouth, then the animal is fine.
Just keep an eye on your pet to make sure that everything is okay with the reptile.
If however, you do find that your pet starts to act ill or distressed then it would be best to take the animal to the vet, or better yet, to a herp vet for an examination and treatment.
It’s about to eat:
Another reason why your tortoise may make a panting movement may be because the animal is getting ready to eat.
Some animals may act oddly when they are about to eat, like a dog jumping up and down, but a tortoise will pant when it is about to take food into its mouth.
Your pet will also move its forelimbs when it is about to eat as well as stand over the food before they take the food into their mouths.
What to do:
This is quite normal behavior and isn’t anything to worry about.
Just as with the previous reason, as long as your pet’s behavior isn’t changing for the worst, as long as the animal isn’t ill, and as long as your pet isn’t in distress then your pet is fine.
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