Why Is My Turtle Shell Chipping (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Any change in how your turtle looks is a sign that something is going on with your pet, and the animal’s shell chipping is quite the change indeed. 

This article looks into why your turtle’s shell is chipping 

Why is my turtle’s shell chipping?

The shell is the turtle’s protection, it keeps the animal safe from predator attacks and accidents like the turtle falling or running into something. If the shell itself becomes damaged then the turtle will be vulnerable

Here is why your pet turtle shell may be chipping:


One of the more common reasons why your turtle’s shell may be chipping may be because the animal is shedding its scutes.

These animals do this as they grow, the shell is not elastic and does not leave room for growth so the old smaller scutes need to fall off to make room for the newer bigger scutes on the shell to be visible. 

The chipping that you’re seeing in this case may be the plate-like scutes of the shell coming off.

What to do:

Nothing needs to be done in this situation as long as the scutes are falling off all in one piece then your pet is fine.

However, if the scutes are breaking up and coming off as broken scute parts then you should worry and take your pet to the vet.

You can encourage the healthy scutes to fall off easier by gently brushing them with a soft toothbrush and warm water, this should help them fall off on their own quicker.

Avoid picking the scutes off as this can be very painful and damaging to the turtle.

Shell rot:

Another reason why your pet’s shell may be chipping may be because the animal has a condition called shell rot.

Shell rot is an infection that can develop on your turtle’s shell.

Other signs of shell rot, in addition to the cracking and chipping of the shell, include visible fluid under the scutes of the shell, an unpleasant odor coming from the shell, pitting or dimpling of the shell, scutes falling off or lifting, soft areas on the shell and a change in the color of the shell. 

What to do: 

It is recommended that you take your pet to the vet if you think that it has this condition. The vet will clean the affected area, examine the shell, run tests on the reptile, and give antibiotics to your pet.

Your vet will also recommend that you keep your pet dry to help it recover from this condition, separating the animal away from others in the enclosure will also keep it from infecting others. 


Dehydration can also be the reason behind a cracked shell and chipping of the shell. 

This can develop if your pet is living in an environment that is too dry for it, the shell can crack and chip because of this.

What to do:

Different species of turtles need different conditions to thrive, including different levels of humidity and different temperatures. 

You’d have to check the conditions in your pet’s tank and make sure that these are appropriate for your species of turtle and then make changes accordingly.

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Why Is My Turtle Shell Chipping (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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