Why Is My Turtle’s Shell Coming Off? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

Your turtle’s shell is not only a protective covering for the animal, but it’s a very important part of the animal’s anatomy as well. The animal can feel the shell, so, if the shell is coming off, then you’d understandably be worried for the animal 

This article looks into why your turtle’s shell may be coming off 

Why is my turtle’s shell coming off?

Your turtle’s shell coming off can make you think that your pet turtle is suffering from some sort of underlying health condition.

Here is what may be happening with your pet:


If you notice that the individual pieces of your turtle’s shell are coming off then this may be happening because your pet turtle is shedding its scutes 

A turtle’s shell is made up of a bony shell that covers the animal’s internal organs, the bony shell is covered with a thin layer of epithelium pieces, these pieces look like large scales and are called scutes. 

The scutes are not elastic, they don’t allow for new growth, so, when the animal’s body does grow the old scutes will fall off and will be replaced.

The old scutes will be pushed off by the new scutes, these are bigger than the old ones. This process allows the turtle to grow. 

The old scutes will peel off of the animal’s body revealing the new scutes, this may look like the turtle’s shell is coming off.

What to do:

This is normal and isn’t something that you’d need to worry about, it’s normal and in fact, it’s a sign that your pet turtle is growing normally and healthily. 

The shell under the old scutes should look normal, if the shell looks bloody, deformed, or reddened then there is something wrong, similarly, if the shell feels spongy or soft then there is something wrong.

Take your pet to the vet if you suspect that there is something wrong with the animal’s health.

Remove the old shed scutes from your pet’s tank once they are shed. Your turtle may try to eat them if you don’t. If your pet manages to eat the scutes then they can harm the animal’s throat and internal organs. 

Avoid peeling the old scutes off yourself, peeling them can be painful for the animal and cause bleeding and tissue damage.

If you want to help the turtle get the scutes off then you can gently brush the shell using a soft toothbrush and some warm water. This should help the scutes fall off easier on their own. 

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Why Is My Turtle’s Shell Coming Off? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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