Your turtles water turning red will be quite the alarming sight for any turtle owner and with good reason, red is the colour of danger and can mean that there is something up with your pet
This article looks into why your turtle’s water is turning red.
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Why is my turtle water red?
The water in your pet’s enclosure can turn a while myriad of colors, including red, this color change will understandably be quite alarming and prompt concern about your pet’s well-being
It’s natural to worry about this but this article will help you understand the possible reasons behind this.
This is why your turtle’s water may be turning red:
Iron in water supply:
Your pet’s water may become red because the water contains iron.
If you’re getting your water from a mineral-rich source, like a well, then the oxidation of the dissolved iron particles can cause the water to turn red or rust-colored.
While this color change isn’t inherently bad for your pet it can look odd, can stain the turtle’s shell and can impact your pet’s water quality
What to do:
If you think that your pet’s water is too iron-rich then consider using a water conditioner or installing a reverse osmosis filter to remedy the problem
Algae growth:
Algae growth can also be the reason why your pet’s water may be turning red. This is similar to the previous reason as the redness can be caused by high levels of minerals in the water can cause redness of the water.
In this case, the high levels of minerals provide nutrients that speak to aggressive algae growth, some algae are red and will cause the red color change in your pet’s water.
Algae isn’t necessarily harmful to your pet but it can deplete the oxygen levels in the tank and impact the water quality of the animal.
What to do:
High levels of minerals, to a point where there is an imbalance in the water, as well as excessive amounts of sunlight will cause algae growth.
You can combat this by minimizing how much sunlight the animal enclosure gets as well as maintaining normal mineral levels
Plants can also be the reason why your pet turtle’s shell is turning red. Plants can release pigments into the water, red included, and the red pigments that are released may be what is turning your pet’s water red.
Flowers that can do this would be red tiger flowers. The pigment that these flowers release is harmless to your pet and the color will eventually fade.
What to do:
If you don’t like that the water is turning red then you can remove the flowers from your pet’s enclosure to get the water back to being clear.
It’s blood:
The red that may be coloring your pet’s water may be the animal blood. Bleeding may come from your turtle or from other inhabitants in the enclosure.
What to do:
If your pet is bleeding, especially if it’s bleeding to a point where it is coloring the water in the tank, then you’d need to remove your pet from the water and take it to a vet as soon as you can, this is a medical emergency
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