Why Is My Turtle Whining (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

Turtles are more so known for their quiet and reserved nature but the animals animal will at some point make vocalizations and one of the vocalizations that these animals will make is whining  

This article looks into why your turtle makes these surprising and concerning vocalizations from time to time.

Why is my turtle whining:

A change in your turtle’s behavior or appearance will understandably be quite odd to you and you as a caring pet owner will want to know why this happens.

Here is why your turtle may be whining: 

Turtle mating sounds:

One reason why your pet may be whining may be that the animals are mating with each other.

These animals make a variety of distinct sounds when mating including a whining sound which sounds like a long continuous cry or a whine

What to do:

This is normal turtle behavior and isn’t something that is out of the ordinary and isn’t something that you’d need to worry about, this is quite common for turtles to do

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Why Is My Turtle Whining (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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